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Camille Mendez: Bachelors in Economics

So, I'm practically almost done. My worst thought was not passing 2 of my classes I had Spring Quarter, but I did!!! That was the greatest news ever!!! I can't believe my 3 years of college already passed by. That Saturday, June 12, I walked at my graduation and moved out of Irvine into my permanent home.
Surprisingly, I became really emotional during my graduation. I felt for one thing that it wasn't my graduation. I mean I knew some people, but being able to leave college with the people you came in with would've been great. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but my graduation became a true emotional moment. I found myself in the audience, trying to hold my tears back. I know truly my parents were so proud of me, and I was proud of myself.
At such a joyous moment, I also felt lonely. Seeing all the graduates and their families made me question my family ties. I don't want to go into it, but I just wish there was more of a personal audience to witness that great once in a lifetime moment. People I cared about so much and who I expected to be there weren't, so I began to question who my true family is. Who knew that your own family can be the most careless people sometimes.
Besides that, I'm here back at home, trying to keep sane. I found working out to be my one true, feisty friend. Home really is a place to reflect and see who would really stay in my life, whether it be friends or family. I'm so glad I'm more closer to Los Angeles because now I can get to network in this great city. We'll see what happens!!

Since I have a lot more time on my hands, I promise I will continue writing, and let me know what you think!!!

You do you, imma do me


~Fabulously Free Giveaway AND Discount~

Another Fabulously Free Giveaway . . .
 AND a discount for all readers!!!

The co-Sponsor of this fab Giveaway is Byrdie Graphics
Seriously amazing vinyl decals . . . see what I'm talking about:
I'm extremely excited about this one, as we are turning our back bedroom into my very own craft/office for me, I totally will be getting some fun decals to spice it up!!!

Anywho enough about me!
~Let's learn more about this fabulous artist~

Me:Where do you gather inspiration from?

Natalie: "I usually design stuff based on what I would love to have in my own home. The latest trends in fashion and home decor also play a big part. I've got a couple of great vintage iron pieces in my house that I designed off of too."

"I also wanted to do something a little different than the other shops, that is why we are doing the Wall Patterns. We've created an affordable alternative to wallpaper that people are really excited about."

(I LOVE her wall patterns, so unique and classic!)

Me: Give us 2 words to describe your personal style:

Natalie: "Classic, fresh"

Me: What are your favorite boutique, places to shop?

Natalie: "Anthropologie, local consignment shops"

Me: What was the BEST handmade gift that anyone has ever given you?

Natalie:"We were give 2 beautiful hand made adirondack chairs for your wedding."

Me: What events/people/ideas influenced you opening your Etsy shop?

Natalie: "I have always loved design and crafting, and of course my kids! I had to do something from home so I could spend time with them. I have the best job!"


Me: What do you want others to get out of their purchases from your shop?

Natalie: "I want people to be inspired and for their mind to start turning and thinking creatively. I also want the install process to be a quick and easy as possible and of course for them to enjoy the graphics for years to come!"

Me: What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?

Natalie: "Our top seller is the Blooms."

***Ok so now for the goods!***

Natalie from Byrdie Graphics has offered ALL OF my Lovely readers
15% off!!!
anything and everything in her Fab Etsy shop!!!
Seriously you'd be missing out to not take advantage of this!
Just enter following code in your Etsy message:

Natalie from Byrdie Graphics has been super sweet and sent me a little package of vinyl decals to test out, and I'm HOOKED!
(When you receive your order from her, it comes along with a super cute, in-depth card on how to apply the decals, along with a sample decal to practice with!!!)

With her decals I made the following frames (Memory Bean Designs) for our
co-hosted giveaway . . .

Enter to win your choice of the following picture frames:

"Girly Girl" 12x12 Picture Frame by MBD


"My Bud" 8.5x11" Picture Frame by MBD

~To Enter~
ONE entry per each option below, and make sure to use SEPERATE COMMENTS per entry!
(otherwise they will all count as one)

1) Go to Byrdie Graphics Etsy Shop and tell me your favorite fab item(s)

2) Be a follower of my blog (old and new I love you all!)

3) Add Byrdie Graphics as a favorite shop on Etsy

4) Add  Memory Bean Designs as a fave shop on Etsy

5) Blog about this Giveaway

6) Use the AMAZING 15% off discount and come back and tell me what you bought from Byrdie Graphics!!!

7) Become a fan of my Facebook Fan page!

As always, you have LOTS of chances to win one of these frames!!!

Winner announced next Wed July 7th
(open to U.S. and Canada residents only- sorry! Shipping can be expensive for these wood frames)

P.S. Spread the word on the discount, fab opportunity to save a little AND decorate your house all cute!

Ready, set, WIN!!!

P.S. Did anyone notice I posted three days in a row?! What?! I'm doing so good lol

3 years ago exactly today . . .

So yes exactly 3 years ago today
 . . . June 29th . . .
I was ALL kinds of excited for my double date with my friend Michelle, her boss Andy and Andy's friend Lane!!!

Yes . . . three years ago today was Andy and my FIRST DATE! Awww.
So crazy to think about, b/c I feel like we've been together forever.

Maybe I'm a little cheesey for remembering dates, but I think it's important, right?
I also remember . . .
 *When he asked me to be his girlfriend (at his b-day party Aug 23rd 2007)
*When he proposed (March 19th 2008)

I can honestly look back at these last 3 years and say they have been the best years of all my 27 years!!!

Love you baby!!!
Thanks for being my "bestie" and for making me laugh and smile the past 3 years. 
I'm still giddy! Hee hee

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do any of you remember and awknowledge days like this? :-)

~Weekend Photo Extravaganza~

Happy Monday to you all!
I hope this first weekend of Summer was a blast!

What did you do?!

Wanna know what we did?
Lol here goes:

After work, Andy went to his friend's bbq,
(we never spend time apart, this was weird! But good)
and my girl Bethany came over! Love her!!!
Since the day we met over 10 years ago we were insta-friends!
She's part of the reason I got into crafting, etc.
So we did what we used to do:
***drank coffee and scrapbooked***

I haven't scrapbooked in a while, but we had a blast! Will post my LO's soon:-)

What a nice day we had! So we decided to take advantage and run to Magnussen in Seattle with our kiddos:
They looooooved it!
So did we!
Walking around we found this cool broken down building, photo op! Hee hee
Toby and Capri watching their daddy
The Boys
They're smiling!!!
I think a Labra-doodle (sp?)- they are so cute and friendly!!!
Awww Princess Capri you are soooo adorable, but you already know that you HAM!
Squinty eyes!
How we roll . . . slurpy time (a.k.a. straight sugar, mmmm)

Then later that day we were off to Allison and Chris's Housewarming,
CONGRATS GUYS! Love your new digs!
Pouty b/c we bought fruity beer . . . which wasn't too good . . . but it was 10% lol. Dumped out, and the lovely Allison made me a yummy Mojito, mmmm!
Totem Pole! Allison on top, Editt's always gotta be in the middle ha ha:-)
My lil sweet Armenian!

Brunch at Salty's for a late Father's Day celebration:-)
Mmmmmm oysters, lots of seafood, and chocolate fountain!

The later Sunday we had our first REAL softball game of the season- we won due to forfeit a few weeks back, and then had TWO, yes two rain-outs.  That's WA for ya.
Sooooo . . . we lost, BUT the other team was crazy all-star style.  As coach I accept all responsibility lol. 
Time to prctice! BUT I had a few great plays at 1st base, hollar!!!

Anywho that's my weekend, how was yours?!
Watch out for a LOVELY giveaway hosted by byrdie graphics!!!
We will have discounts for all, and a joint giveaway from her and my Etsy shop Memory Bean Designs- so stay tuned or you'll be missin out, just sayin!

Have a fabulous week my dearies!

Europe Vaca Photo Sneak Peak

Sooo I'm FINALLY getting to the point where I have time to edit and sift through our 4000 pics from our "Euro Vaca 2010"!
It's about time, right?
 About a month after we return:
here are a few sneak peak pics from Rome to tie you over . . .
many many more pics to come!!!

So alas . . .

Andy's fave city in the world . . . Rome:
(Can't decide if mine is Venice, Santorini, or Paris!)
Andy; you make the BEST travel partner! Even though we missed our flight and first 3 days of cruise due to ash cloud, AND our luggage was lost for 2 days . . . 
we made it an adventure and had a BLAST!
In the heart of Rome
Can't get enough of all the fabulous architecture of the buildings and statues!
Lil Ole me walking towards the Colloseum

Inside the Colloseum, amazing!!!
I swear even though we've been here before, it's just breathtaking!
And the history is crazy-style!


Ok and these are just a few pics just from 2 hours of Rome on the first day . . . more soon!
And tales of missing luggage, gelato galore, pizza, pasta, vino, and lots of walking!!!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!!! We're off to take our lil kiddos to the Dog Park, and then to a housewarming party!

P.S. anyone know how I can center my banner?  Looks kinda silly to the left????  Hmmmm:-)

Katy Perry