Do you ever sit and imagine how your life would be living in another country?
Or if somehow you were meant to be born in another country?!
(hypothetically speaking)
Ha ha . . . ok so here are a few reasons:
Why my hubby and I could totally be British:
1) I drive a lil red zippy Mini Cooper and LOVE it!!!
2) We always listen to the BBC radio on Sirius FM
(Love it! Tinie Tempah, Cheryl Cole, Florence and the Machine
Chipmunk, etc. They just have great dance music:-)
(Love it! Tinie Tempah, Cheryl Cole, Florence and the Machine
Chipmunk, etc. They just have great dance music:-)
3) My favorite sport to watch is FUTBOL (for us Americans: soccer)
and my fave team is Chelsea!
(And of course SOUNDERS!!! 1st game we're going to is April 17th)
and my fave team is Chelsea!
They are awesome, just sayin!
(My hubby's fave team is Man U)
4) We LOVE pubs, and Strong Bow cider (mmmm). Baps, Fish and Chips, Wedges, you name it we will eat it all up!
Our fave pub is George and the Dragon in Seattle. AMAZING!!!
Our fave pub is George and the Dragon in Seattle. AMAZING!!!
5) I think the British accent is stinkin adorable
(and pretend I have an accent sometimes hee hee)
(and pretend I have an accent sometimes hee hee)
6) We LOVE London! Love it love it!
(hot hubby last July in London)
(Taken in London on our first trip together! Valentine's Day in London= FAB!)
7) I love tea

Call us wanna-be's . . . and don't get me wrong we're "All Americans" and love our country
BUT I'd say we're American's with British tendencies?!
Tell me . . .
If you could live anywhere else where would it be, and why?!
Happy Wednesday Loves!!!
~Tamara Nicole~