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Happy Fourth of July!!!

This weekend I will celebrate the Fourth of July with support of our amazing country, thankfulness for what people have sacrificed for my free life, and I do say I am proud to be an American!!!

Happy Fourth of July Weekend to all of you Lovely Peeps!!!

Mmmm . . . go enjoy some yummy food!

Rock them red lips:-)

Light off some fireworks, or go to a fun Show!!!

~Our holiday weekend~
*We will be hanging out with my fam on Dad's boat*
*Andy and my first fishing adventure together*
*BBQ galore*
*Watching World Cup at our fave pub with Strongbow*
*Big firework show downtown*
*Possibly painting my craft/office!!!*

Where will this weekend find you?

***Don't miss out on a Fabulously Free Giveaway!!!***
AND discount for all!!!
For more info and how to win, enter HERE
Hosted by: Byrdie Graphics

***Help me pick a button!***
I've been meaning to make one for a while, so I was just messing around and made some up.  My first one, and I want it perfect lol!!!
I want COMPLETE honesty, and think they prob are all too busy, cause that's how I usually roll lol. 
Should I take out the pic and just make a cutesy image sans-picture of me?

Thoughts??? Help a girl out!

***Chk out my mention***
Thanks girl!!!