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~LOVE this song right now, and Blog Award!~

Still a huge fan of Alicia Keys, she just has that amazing voice!

And how cute is her baby bump?!

Ok now onto my
 from the lovely Chloe

Thank you hun!
(And congrats on your 1 year anniversary with the hubs!)


1.Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.

2.Share 6 (or 7) things about yourself.

3.Pass this award to bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!

4.Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award.

Here we go!
(1)Me noi tieng viet mot it! Va muon di Viet Nam. 
(I speak a little Vietnames, and want to go to Vietnam!)
I speak Vietnamese
 (yes white girl speaking Vietnamese!)
I took it for an intense year at University of Wa.  Originally did b/c was dating a Vietnamese guy, but I do have to admit the culture and food are awesome!
Pho anyone?! cafe sua?!
If you haven't tried pho or Vietnamese coffee you are missing out!*
(Me and Andy go here all the time! Mmmmmm. Buon thit nuong gia gio yum yum!)

 (2) I'm all over the place
 My hubby laughs at me.  I want to do EVERYTHING!
I always am coming up with new plans and new ideas, and booking our schedule with everything.  He loves me and I add a little spontaniety into his life, and prob some stress too! Hee hee
(3) I've always said I want 4 babies
This stresses my hubby out too ha ha!
I am one of SIX KIDS, and love big families! I say as long as we have enough funds and lotsa love to go around, why not right?!
Now to work on the "funds" part before we begin our family.
(4) I am obsessed with the color red
Specifically red polka dots.
All of my friends know it and buy me red/white polka dot things.
At our wedding I even wore red/white polka dot heels.
and decorated everything else in it:-)
I drive a red mini cooper
All my kitchen appliances are red (Nespresso, Kitchen Aid, etc)
Maybe it's the red hair?! Stubborn lil me!
(5) I have a huge weakness for Jelly Belly Jelly Beans!!!
Why are they so darn good???
And so many flavors?!

(6) I love to host parties. 
Bachelorette Parties, Baby Showers, Bridal Showers, Birthday Parties, Bunco parties, Going Away, Graduation, etc.  I love it! Love making fun foods, decorating, and having people gather together!
This summer:
*Throwing my sister's baby shower*
*Coffee, Cupcakes and Cosmos Open house for Memory Bean Designs*
*Bro-in-laws Grad BBQ*
*Sister's moving to TX Farewell*

And many more! Love it:-)

So now I pass this along to:

(so hard to decide who to pass to!
I'm finding sooo many amazing blogs it's even hard to keep up!
How do you boggers do it?!)

P.S. Don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!!
Ends Wednesday.  Seriously doooo it, who doesn't love FREE?! I need more interest in these to keep them up:-)

P.S.S. what an amazing weekend! Pics and post soon!