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~Weekend re-cap and a Bellevue shout out~

Good Monday Morning to all of you!

I'm just sitting here sipping on my delicious nespresso latte . . .
getting ready to catch up on all of your fabulous blogs:-)

~A few fun things~

*Bellevue, WA is rated the 4th best city to live in in the U.S.*
What?! Ok don't get me wrong I Loooove living here, absolutely love it! But would never expect it to be fourth in the nation!
Money Magazine rated cities in America based on "job opportunities, fiscal strength, top-notch schools, low crime, good health care, lots to do, and many other factors that help make a town great for raising a family."
This gets me even more excited for raising our family here, knowing it's super safe and has fabulous schools!
Look at me getting all motherly already;-)

So if you ever come out to WA to visit Seattle, drive 7 mins East and come chk out Bellevue! Lots of fun shops, bakeries, great Happy Hours, and tons to do!
Also fun parks and small beaches scattered about:-)
Just sayin!

Go chk it out to see if your home town is there:-) 

Another super cute fact:

*After church on Sunday, my hubby says "I think we should start our own charity"*
Oh heart be still!!!

He knows I've been forever talking about how I want to join or work for a non-profit org. or charity, or even start my own! I've had this longing to help others like forever, just never find the right opportunity.
SO when I hear him say this my heart skips a beat
How freaking amazing is my husband!!!!
Not that he is selfish at all, but I TOTALLY didn't expect this. 
And not only did he mention this, he also had a whole idea thought out!!!
Amen! Lol that's the first I've heard of it:-)
So we're brainstorming and will announce it later!

***Okay enough silliness, on to our weekend re-cap***
Mariners vs. Yankees
Walking after finding $5 parking!!!
Wooo hooo like a mile away ha ha, there's nothing wrong with walking:-)
It was a fun game, but kinda awkward b/c I could have sworn we were in NY instead of Seattle!!! Why were there more Yankees fans there?! In our home stadium?!
They were cheering louder than we were, it was crazy.  Ok so maybe they're a better team, but where's our support for Seattle?!
There's nothing like over-priced drinks at a sports game!

I had to of my girls over for our first "Baking Extravaganza"
We were making lemon chiffon cake,
and drinking mango bellinis
 and probably talking more than anything!
Despite our Swedish recipe (metric system and no scale to measure ha ha)
we had crazy math skillz, converted the recipe and made our yummy cake!
Then Andy and I chilled in the hammock and bbq'd- I love Seattle summers!

(Sports day for us!)

*Church and Andy's cute comment (see above) *
*Watched Spain vs. Netherlands*
Congrats Spain!!!

*Blue Steel played our 3rd softball game . . . and we rocked it!!!*
Final score was 18-8. 
It's sooo cute playing with my hubby b/c he's just hot, and when you add crazy softball skills it's on a whole new level:-)
And I finally quit my head trip about batting, just relaxed and rocked it too, had a few awesome hits.

Goood times!

*Watched Sounders vs. Dallas*

Sounders did better, BUT Dallas caught up and it ended in a 1-1 tie

So we had a nice summer weekend full of LOTS of sports and baking, oooh and I'm getting a lil tan going on!

What kind of fun things did you do this weekend?!

P.S. I started grabbing some buttons from you guys, if you grab mine let me know so I for sure get yours;-)

P.S.S. Don't forget to go enter a GIVEAWAY I'm hosting over at One Crafty Fox!

P.S.S. hee hee one more thing . . . tomorrow I will be posting another "Fabulously Free Giveaway" . . . a few sneak peaks . . .