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~Office Progress~

Hello all my lovelies!!!

Hope you had a fabulous weekend:-)

We've been going non-stop on the yard and house this weekend, phew soooo tired!

I wanted to share a few fun things:

***I ordered my first few decor items!!!***
Gotta love giveaways, seriously!!!
I won 2 csn.com giveaways, $40 and a $50 one within a week of each other
(see- you too can be a winner! I have a giveaway starting Wed)
What better room to use it for than to help decorate my new office space?!

Sooooo excited! So for this:
and this:

I paid ten dollars out of pocket, and free shipping!!!

Sooooo excited:-)

Also, today I painted my first 2 coats of base color,
then off to do my "faux painting" with my broom!
Woot woot.

Should look something like this:

but more yellow and more brush strokes,
kinda like this from Ralph Lauren paint:

~Still need~

and lots of other fun things:-)

~Just made~
a few hooks for my Etsy shop using my office as inspiration

Have you been doing any home decor project lately?!
I'd love to hear about colors and fun decor ideas:-)

 ***Or if you could re-do and furnish any room in your house, what would you do???***