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Weekend Photo Montage . . . and a WINNER!!!

First things first, another FABULOUS Winner!!!

(Random Pick)
of this
or this
is . . .
***Rachael at "It's Simple Love"***
Congrats girly!!!
So go ahead and email me (memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com):
1) your frame choice 2) Your addy
More Fabulously Free Giveaways soon!
(want to host a giveaway on my blog?! Email me for more info!)

Now on to our lovely long holiday weekend photo montage . . .
Oh how fabulous and relaxing it was!
(Sorry for so many pics, I took a ton out! Lol)
***Andy got off of work early Fri so we could go get our fishing license***

snacks and set on our first fishing adventure . . . in the rain! Lol we're troopers
bright eyed and excited:-)
This is how I roll . . . in pink lol
getting all kinds of serious
Heck yes! Success!!!
Soooo we both lost plenty of hooks and so I just decided to have fun with the camera.  Andy didn't want to leave despite the downpour!
I think my "City Boy" is hooked on fishing now

***Then Sat we went down to visit my dad and the fam on his boat***

The boys chillin

Every time I'd go to take a pic she'd squink and cheese it up! Awwww what a ham;-)

How stinkin cute is my niece?! Great work Claire and Paul!


Lots of bbq-ing, watched the Sounders get squashed, fireworks and fun

The hubs and I went to Pike Place downtown, good food!!!
I love Seattle!

Mmmm we bought "salmon candy" which is just like smoked salmon, yum!
Lots of purdy flowers!
We bought lotsa snacks!
Went to Pike's Brewery

The famous gum-covered wall.  Don't get to close, yuck!

So that's our weekend a few days late, how was your 4th?!

***Also: my new button is on the sidebar, if you add it let me know so I can grab yours! 
A little swap-a-roo???***

Happy Wednesday my Lovelies!!!