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~European Vaca 2010 . . . Day #2 ROME, ITALY~

Some long awaited photos and European Vacation 2010 re-cap

~The Anderson's~

Ok so if you haven't read our first day back here, do it!
Explains a few things:-)

Anywho . . . on to our crazy running around all of Rome day . . .
In front of the National Museum, what a gorgeous and HUGE building!!!
Last time we were here they had scaffolding all over it, glad we finally got to see it:-)
What a cutie!  My amazing travel companion:-)
So two of my photography obsessions in Europe are statues . . .
and super neat, ornate doors!
Ha ha my hubby laughs b/c I'm always snapping photos of doors:-)
They're just super cool in Europe, what can I say?!
Ok so we left our hotel to start exploring . . .
and all of a sudden I hear a loud thud RIGHT behind me!
Yup I almost got taken out by an orange!
Heee hee and we tried to eat it later, YUCK! SUPER sour. 
Good times!
More walking . . . and there was some sort of street fair! With children singing and everything, it was so surreal to be in one of the most amazing cities in the world and hear this:-)
Next stop: Colloseum
What history this place has!
Can you imagine being around back in the day going to watch Gladiators fight lions?!
My gladiator! Hee hee
The famous cross at the Colloseum

I think the sun is in his eyes, squinter!
Resting my feet,
ummmm yeah if you read our 1st day you'd know that we had no luggage for 3 days
 therefore no change of shoes,
and I had cheap (yet cute!) flats and walking 10 miles+ a day was no bueno in those flats!!!
Then on to Palatine Hill:
Grape plants everywhere:-)
Steps up to the Palatine Hill- one of my fave places in Rome
 So surreal!
I wonder how old this is?! Love it!
Just for all you fluer de lis lovers out there:-)
Ancient Romans had good taste!
Lovely flower
So many amazing ruins!!!

Now on to the Forum:
Julius Cesar walked these grounds
Crazy history going on!

Another amazing door!
(See . . . I'm obsessed enamored)
(One of my fave structures here- named after the twins of Gemini, and I'm a Gemini, mmm hmmm!)

Another fave . . .
Trevi Fountain:
And serious gelato here! I think I had like 3 a day, and that's only b/c Andy wouldn't let me have more lol!!!
Now over to the
Spanish Steps:
(Scalinata della Trinità dei Monti)
~Fontana della Barcaccia, designed by Bernini~
This plaza was crazy crowded with people all ove the place. 
 AND just down the street they have FABULOUS shopping!
Gorgeous views from atop the Spanish Steps
The Scalinata is the longest and widest staircase in Europe!
What a gorgeous place this is, just sitting on the steps watching the bustle of Rome while enjoying gelato= pure happiness!

Walking around Rome:
Statues booty . . . hee hee
A recently excavated street- I love this pic!
And I leave you with a door photo from a cathedral.
Sooo many beautiful churches in Rome, and I think we eventually visited them all!

Day 2 highlights:
*Walked like 13 miles in flats*
*shopping- had to get something to wear due to NO LUGGAGE*
*Amazing dinner at local pizzeria across from hotel and house vino-yum!*
*Lots of sites*
*Siesta- we need this in America!!!*
*Gelato galore*

Stay tuned for days 3-14 from our European vaca . . .
Villa France

(it takes a while to go through 4000 pics! Lol sorry for the delay but it'll be worth the wait I promise!)
P.S. Don't forget the Fabulously Free Giveaway- winner announced Wednesday!