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~Mosiac Monday . . . and Weekend re-cap~

Bringing back my Mosaic Monday!
My inspiration today . . .
FAVE color of all time . . .
Also inspired by my recent baking adventure with these:
(I found the polka dot cupcake liners at Michaels for crazy cheap!
They also have zebra print and other fun ones! Score)

(Lovin my cupcake pedastels!!!)

Anywho here it is . . .
"Red lovin"

~Weekend re-cap~
What a fab weekend we had!!!
Full of a lot of relaxing and catching up on things, AND I didn't take many pics, sorry!

*More fishin' with my love*

*We went to a real-deal Pow Wow!!!*

Sat night was originally our date night to Barrio in Bellevue, but Andy's dad calls us up right before we leave and invites us to go to a Pow Wow with them!
How funny, right?!
So I've never been, so we went with the fam to chk it out:-)
Was pretty interesting, great alder smoked salmon dinner, slushies, and super cool outfits worn by the Indians (Native Americans- gotta be P.C. here!)

A real tomahawk!

The hubster and me enjoying the view from Fort Lauden in Seattle

There were hundreds of people dressed up, and their dances were amazing!!!

*CRAZY softball game Sunday*
So I knew getting into this league that I'd have to stockup our team full of people, b/c games are on Sunday. 
Let's face it, people have lives on weekends in the summer! Lol
Soooo we have ~16 players, and 10 play in a game so we can have 6 peeps gone and be golden.
Anywho- busy weekend I guess, and we ended up being short a player
(thanks slackers! Ha ha)
No prob- we got this
1st inning, my star outfielder twists her ankle:-(
Poor thing! So I give her my 1st base, and I switch to 3rd.
Anywho . . . we were (not me! Lol) messing up left and right and bummed pretty much short 2 players.
Score was 3-12 . . . we're getting killed!

Call it a comeback!!!
Things started to turn around, and
we won!!!
Final score 15-14, Hell Heck yes!!!
Ok sorry to get all excited on you guys, but that was a crazy intense game. 
Next week I'll take pics of my Blue Steel team:-)

Other weekend highlights:

*Started my "Life Inspiration Board"*

*Hit the gym, need more of this!*

*Worked in the garden- my "crops" are growing like crazy!*

*Picked out a few items, and paint for my new office space (more on this tomorrow)*

*BBQ-mmm chicken, sweet potato fries and couscous, yum!*

*My bestie Melissa brought over her 5 month old baby boy Timothy last night!!!*
(He laughs and squeels when you make monkey noises, I love it! We were rolling so hard last night!!!)

Anywho that was our weekend,
how was yours?!

 lots of opportunities to win, dooooo it!