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~Tunes for Your Tuesday- B.O.B Style~

Totally diggin on this song right now . . .

"Beautiful Girls" by B.O.B

Speaking of beautiful girls . . .

Way back here I posted about Caitlin Crosby's website
And I'll do it again:-) Ha ha
It's a fabulous website on loving your "flaws".

Society puts so much pressure on being perfect, and it is evident through the
huge increase in plastic surgery.
The quest for perfection . . .
I say screw it, and love how God made you!!!

There are several celebs who looked wayyyy better before going under the knife:
Megan Fox- always gorgeous, but why do so much when you're already gorgeous??

Or Holly Madison- (ok she does look cute now)

~Moral: anyone can be plastic-pretty with the right moolah, but natural beauty is where it's at~

"Everyone has beauty, but not everyone sees it" ~Confucuis

"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Be secure in who you are, rock your beauty, flaws and all!!!
***Disclaimer: I am not hating on plastic surgery, just the super fake look***

Happy Tuesday!!!!