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Tunes for your Tuesday . . . Taio Cruz style

Love love love this song right now!

"Dynomite" by Taio Cruz

And a few fun finds that go along with the "dynomite" and military fashion theme in this video:

Military look on the runway for Fall 2010:

What are you favorite looks for fall???


P.S. Happy last day of August!!!
Hope you all had a lovely, productive and fun month.
My "Auguest Charity Spotlight" ends today, a new one for September will be unveiled tomorrow! :-)

Take a Stance Against the Slaughtering of Dolphins

Bored on a Sunday night, I was endlessly flipping through the channels trying to find something to pique my interest when I saw "The Cove", a documentary about the annual slaughtering of dolphins in Taiji, Wakayama in Japan.

"The film highlights the fact that the number of dolphins killed in the Taiji dolphin hunting drive is several times greater than the number of whales killed in the Antarctic, and reports that 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan every year in the country's whaling industry. The migrating dolphins are herded into a hidden cove where they are netted and killed by means of spears and knives over the side of small fishing boats."

This annual hunt for dolphins is to sell these mammals to marine parks and aquariums for revenue. The dolphins that don't make "the cut" are therefore slaughtered in the cove where their meat are sold in supermarkets posing as expensive whale meat.

Most Japanese people do not know of this practice that is happening in their country, and not only is it unjust to slaughter innocent animals, but a problem in mercury consumption also poses a threat. "In June 2008, AERA, a Japanese weekly journal, reported that the whale and dolphin meat sold in Taiji contained a level of mercury 160 times higher than normal, and that the hair of a local sample of eight men and women had 40 times higher mercury levels, based on a research conducted by the National Institute for Minamata Disease (NIMD)." Mercury is known for causing neurological damage, and is most dangerous to pregnant women's fetuses, causing deformities.

"The Cove has enjoyed success across the globe, winning awards from all corners of the world, winning over 25 well-respected film awards. Some notable awards include "Best Documentary" from the Environmental Media Awards,[59] Three Cinema Eye Honors [60] for "Outstanding Achievement", the “Golden Tomato Award” from the critic website rottentomatoes.com,[61] and the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature on the 82nd Annual Academy Awards."

Find out more information on thecovemovie.com. Here is a clip of the brutal slaughtering of Japan. I know it's not eye-friendly, but this is a serious matter: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xa9dn8_dolphin-slaughter-in-japan-video-pa


You Just Do You, Imma Do Me


~Weekend Fun, a Winner, and Mosaic Monday~

~A soft collection of yummy Flickr images to brighten your day~
1. Shakespeare & roses..., 2. romance.., 3. Spring romance, 4. Plum blossoms, 5. Untitled, 6. and then, 7. Bottled Stardust, 8. Petal Princess, 9. His & hers xxxx, 10. Macro Rose / Rose Flower - IMGP7771, 11. L U S H, 12. A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes, 13. Imperfection - an acceptance in true love?14. Not available15. Not available16. Not available

Feeling all feminine and girly today:-)

I hope you all had an amazing weekend!!!
We sure did:-)
Nice and relaxing!

*Saw "Eat Pray Love" with my girls*
Loved the book, and equally loved the movie.  Kind of inspiring!

*Watched 3 movies via Netflix*
Who doesn't love Netflix?!
We saw The Green Zone, The Backup Plan, and Repo Men.

Definately don't watch Repo Men, yuck!!! Sometimes ratings are wrong, I was cringing and my stomach hurt the whole time, BUT it had Jude Law and I thought it would get better.  I can't start something and not finish it, but this one I wish I stopped. 
I'm naive and love happy movies:-)

*Went to our favorite English Pub to watch my favorite futbol team Chelsea win!*
Yup my team won, so my hubby lost the bet.  Now he is on dish duty for the week ha ha ha.
*Horse Races at Emerald Downs*
In continuation of my hubby's 31st Birthday Bashes we went to enjoy a day at the track with the fam, and what a day we had!
We figured out a strategy and started with $40 (we are not big gamblers!)

Before each race we went down to chk out the horses

Soooo hubby wins 3 out of 6 races, and I win 4 out of 6.  BUT he wagered way more!

So at the end of the day I win around $100!!!
BUT my hubby wins over $700, how does that happen?!
The lady at the counter kept laughing when he came up to collect his winnings, and told him to buy a lotto ticket! So he did, maybe his luck will continue?

~Also we have a Fabulously Free winner!~
(Thanks again Sara Norris Photography for sponsoring this giveaway!
You truly have amazing photographs!!!)

From Random.org . . .

Number 17 . . . One Crafty Fox!!!

Winner: Congrats!!!
Make sure to email me your 8x8 fine art print selection from Sara Norris Photography's Etsy Shop . . . memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com

Happy Monday to you all!!!
Tell me what fabulous things you did this weekend, I'd love to hear it:-)

~Sweet Inspirations~

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."

~Henry David Thoreau
I love this quote!!!
Are you living the life you want?
Do you have unfulfilled dreams that you are casting aside?
Be the YOU that you are meant to be.
Don't wait for a better moment,
your moment is now!
Hope you all are having a great weekend

P.S. Giveaway ends tomorrow!!!

Sara Norris Photography has lovely work, for many chances to win
~enter here~

Should Ex's Keep in Contact When in a Relationship?

What is the best dividing line between an ex-bf or ex-gf? Sure there can be numerous reasons why the relationship doesn't last, but is it appropriate to still keep in contact with your ex? How about when the boy or girl is presently in a relationship; do the same guidelines apply?

I know there can't be sufficient research for this, but some of the points I have found online address both sides of this issue...

"As long as your relationship with your ex is one of a platonic nature, there really shouldn't be a problem. If your current mate is comfortable with you and your ex's friendship, and your ex respects and acknowledges that you've moved on with someone else, everything should be fine! :D"

"You can keep in touch, but not in a sexual way. Keeping in touch doesn't mean calling every day, or even every week. Calling to say hi and such once every few months is fine, but too much contact is not cool. I keep in contact with my ex's but through email just seeing how things are. Main thing, just let your current know that you keep in contact with your ex. You don't want to be hiding something like that. It's a HUGE trust issue :)"

"wrong....big time how would you feel if your new man still spoke/saw his ex!!!!unless you have a good reason then leave the past in the past"

"I'm guilty of that sometimes, but I think it's wrong because those feelings that at one time attracted you to that person could take hold at any time. I only view it as talking to a friend, but yeah, I think it's a bad idea."

"By keeping in touch, if you can become friends and let each other know about what went wrong (that includes admitting you were at least partly to blame) you might be able to prevent it from happening again. but never i repeat NEVER try to hide any relationship with someone from the opposite sex from your new man, because then he will totally have a reason to think you're cheating (even if you aren't)."

"A situation like this is really dependent on what your clear intention is for maintaining contact. I suggest you ask yourself the following questions and answer honestly...
1) what am I wanting in keeping contact with my X?
2) If I do, am I respecting all the people I love and care about (will i hurt someone else)?
There is no right or wrong answer...it is what you do with the situation. Do it honorably and with no expectations."

From my point of view, I don't see it appropriate to keep in contact with an ex because that's the past and you can't relinquish what's already been done. I admit having some contact with an ex when the break-up was fresh, but I knew that keeping contact in each other's lives would cause more damage than good. To completely get over someone, no matter how bad the break-up, I feel you need to cut off complete contact. If you still have that person in your life, there's always going to be some feelings involved, whether it is only platonic. But this issue can affect your future relationships as well and damage it in an unexpected way.

In every relationship, a boundary should be involved. If your partner doesn't feel comfortable with it, then it's best to dispose of the issue before you find yourself arguing over stupid issues. Even though there has to be some level of trust, how conniving would it be for your partner to find out you still were talking to your ex behind their back? This therefore causes more mistrust than was actually intended. Respecting one's wishes in a relationship go both ways, the best way is to ask yourself internally if you'd be comfortable if your partner was doing the same things your doing. You don't want to break something that could potentially be something great; if you completely refuse to cut off ties, then you most likely do have some feelings for your ex still. If that's the situation it's best to break off ties with your current partner and be single until you figure out what relationship you really value for your future.

Even though there are no feelings involved, I recommend cutting off all ties completely, then maybe in the distant future, keeping tabs on each other wouldn't be so bad. Let me know your point of view on this issue...

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me


~Oh Happy Day!~

Happy Happy Friday!!!

So I am super duper excited today, for many reasons and I wanted to share:

First off I now have over 200 followers!!!
Seriously you all are amazing! Thank you so much for making this so fun for me. 
When I started my blog in January I had noooo idea it'd be so fun and addicting, and that I would meet so many freaking spectacular friends
You all rock and make me happy!

~Fantasy Football~
Ummm yeah . . . I am pumped! I've never played before, but I joined my hubby's fantasy football league with 16 others . . . I am the "Eastside Cupcakes"!
Although I'm super girly and people don't think I'm really going to play . . . I'm studying up and gonna kick some arse, just saying!

~Sister is not moving far far away . . . yet~
My lil sister and my baby (and bro-in-law) were going to move to Texas, BUT now they are staying for another year! I get to watch my lil niece grow up a little more.
Sooo excited!
(me with my lil niece Keilani)

~Time off work~
Yup next week I work my "day job" only 2 half days, the rest is off to create!!!
Much needed break!
~Emerald Downs~
Sunday we are continuing the celebration of my hubby's birthday with his family, sooo excited! Last time I won $60 on a $3 bet, small moolah but exciting!!!

~Holiday Show~
My close friend and bestie Candace and I are doing a booth at the Tacoma Holiday Show for our second year.  My lil business Memory Bean Designs needs to get going!!! It runs October 20-25th in Tacoma, Wa.  Gotta get busy!!! They have over 40,000 shoppers there, wish me luck!

~Baking Fun~
Just printed off a ton of recipes to test out next week on my hubby since I'll be home a little more:-)

Excited to try:
Blackened Tuna Steaks with Mango Salsa
 Real Italian Calzones
Blackened Shrimp Stroganoff
 Cajun Seafood Pasta
 Beef Wellington

What kind of things are you excited for today?!

Have a fantabulous weekend!!!