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~8 questions about Mwah . . . tagged!~

8 Questions for Mwah?

I been tagged for a great game by Suzanne at So Stinkin Cute (and yes she is just that!)

It's one of those, "get to know me" games that some like to play...

and I'm one of them;-)

1. Favorite Flower

No doubt:-)
They are just so gorgeous and big and fun, many bright colors:-)
We had them at our wedding, and then bought the exact same bulbs for our garden so I can look at them every year and be reminded of our special wedding day
(Major P.S: 2 year anniversary Sept 21st!!!)

2. Favorite color combination
Hmmm this is sooo hard, I love all colors!!!

Red and white polka dots are my fave

(shoes at my wedding)

But I also am loving gray and green right now for decor:-)

3. Favorite Celebrity Couple

Arrrrg this is hard too, I LOVE the Bekhams
(married 11 years!!!)

(married 7 years)

Gweneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are adorable:-)

4. Your theme song
"Brown Eyed Girl"
by Van Morrison

5. Favorite "I had a terrible day" food

Mmmm chocolate and coffee . . .
throw them together and you get Mocha almond fudge ice cream . . . mmmm!

6. Lipstick, lip gloss, or lipstick and lip gloss

Lipgloss of course!!!
M.A.C. Purrr is my fave:-)

7. Favorite magazine(s)

8. Favorite thing about Fall
The fashion



The smell in the air

Falling leaves
. . .
Now, I tag 7 blogs that I love that need to do the same!