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~Tunes for your Tuesday . . . Melpo Mene . . . Anniversary edition~

Happy 2 years of wedded bliss to me and my hubby!!!
Ok . . . on one hand I feel like I've known hubby forever (instead of 3 years), but it feels like just yesterday we were planning our big day.
Time flies when you are having fun!

This week's Tunes for your Tuesday is dedicated to my hubby,
thanks for an amazing 2 years. 
You are my angel, thank you for finding me.
I can not imagine life without you, my bestie:-)
Our unique first dance song . . .

Melpo Mene "I Adore You"

Happy 2 year, and here's to MANY many many more!

A few (ok a lot of) wedding pics from the lovely night of September 21st, 2008
ala In A Frame Photography . . .

(if I explained each pic this would be wayyyyy too long, but there are some funny AND cute stories maybe for another day)

*Fights do happen over bouquets . . . crazy bridesmaids!*

And they lived happily ever after . . .

(Cheryl Jones from In a Frame Photography you rock!)

To celebrate this joyous occasion:
2 days in Victoria, BC!