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~Our European Vaca 2010: Day 4~

Good morning my blog-alicious ladies!

It's Thursday and my 2nd day off this week . . .
why are my days off going by so fast?!
I have a list of a ton to do, and don't nearly get as much as I want done, BUT at least I'm getting things done right?!
Organizing my closet! 
(ok swooon! I want this shoes closet!-source here-)

 Yup making room for some fun fashion, and putting away my new purchases (more on this soon with pics!)
I have 2 bags of clothes, shoes and purses to donate!

Speaking of getting things done . . .
For those who have been following my blog know I am still slowly posting (and editing) pics from our vaca . . . yeah ok so it was in May!
Slacker right?!
Just busy and keeping you in suspense:-)

Anywho . . . Day 4 of our European Vaca 2010 . . . and the last day in Rome!

***Our luggage finally arrived!***
Yup after 3 days of no luggage- it finally arrived and I have new shoes to wear!!!!

Lots and lots of walking around . . .
Rome is just amazing

Now by the "Jewish Ghetto" area and our favorite pizza shop- always busy and full of locals
 (a good sign right?!)
One of our fave buildings: Portico Octavia:
Mmmmm food!!!
Our yummy meal of caprise, sardines, tuna pizza, etc. so yum!
Then to a bakery nearby, mmmm

Always gotta love the ruins in Rome

It's pretty much just amazing! This church has 3 layers of buildings

Most modern level- so beautiful!

Then begins the decent . . . the lady gave us a tour of all the old areas that were excavated and told us what each area was, so neat!
Then more walking around and we found the famous "Roman Holiday" lie detector

How could you be in Italy and not try some lemoncello?
Siesta time!!!
After a small nap (ok we need siesta in the U.S.!!!)
Off to get a snack and walk around some more
Above the Spanish Steps

After a few gelatos and a cappucino . . . of to Trevi!
Some random store had this cute lil guy outside:
One of our fave things in Rome: the gorgeous cathedrals! We must've gone into like 15
Until next time!

Today we are going to the hubby's work "summer" party . . . lots of pics will be taken, drinks had, and fun times:-)

Hope you have a fabulous day my dears!!!