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~Fabulously Free Giveaway . . . Calabasas Candy Co!~

~Another Fabulously Free Giveaway~
This one's a real treat!!!

The amazingly sweet Cheri from Calabasas Candy Co.
Is offering a fabulous giveaway this week

I know first-hand that she makes YUMMY treats!
She sent me a sample of both the Lemon Zest Caramels and the Pistachio Nougats . . .

 and my hubby and I devoured both bags in a day . . . Mmmmmmmm!
(I'm for sure going back for more . . . Sold!)

AND her prices are super reasonable, makes a great gift to someone sweet!

Anywho . . . before we discuss this amazingness . . .
let's get to know the candy maker behind the biz:

Me: "Where do you gather your inspiration for your sweets from?"

Cheri: "I get my inspiration from candies I would like to eat, and then put an artistic touch to them."

Me: "Give us two words that describe your shop"

Cheri: Delicious and quality

Me: "What are your favorite shops/online stores"

Cheri: "Reruns-vintage clothing"

Me: "What is the BEST handmade gift anyone has ever given you?"

Cheri: "My daughter gave my a beautiful felted purse for my birthday from ETSY."

(gotta love Etsy right?!)

Me: "What influenced you opening your shop on Etsy?"

Cheri: "My daughter suggested that I sell my candies on Etsy."

(smart girl!)
Me: "Tell us a little smidge about your creative process."

Cheri: "I think about a candy I would love to eat, but cannot easily find or is not available.

Then I experiment making it, and finally test it out on the family."

Me: "What do you want your customers to get out of your shop?"

Cheri: "I want my customers to enjoy eating the candy I send them, and that it should be visually appealing. I would like them to be happy with my customer service and just a good positive experience all round."

Me: "What is your favorite candy in your shop?"

Cheri: "It's hard to pick a favorite candy, because it's like picking a favorite child. I love them all!"

Me: "So along with your skills of making amazing candies, what are your other hobbies?"

Cheri: "I love to knit, and I've also made many quilts in the past which I've given as gifts.
Baking is another creative outlet for me and my family and friends love it! Jewelry making is another hobby that I have enjoyed."

Me: "Is there anything else you would like to share with all of us?"

Cheri: I am always thinking of new and delicious candies to make for my customers.
Thank you Cheri you truly are talented and sweet!!!
NOW for the moment you have been waiting for . . .

~The Giveaway~

Mandatory Entry:
Tell us what you would like to see in Calabasas Candy Co's shop that is not already offered?
Extra Entries:
(earn one per following, make sure to use separate comments to get them!)
~Be a Follower of my blog~
~Blog about this (THREE entries for this one)~

Good luck!!!
Winner announced next Friday:-)
Open to U.S. Residents only

Also!!! Calabasas Candy Co. rocks and is offering a 10% discount for all of you lovely readers! Just mention my blog to redeem:-)