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~Mosaic Monday~

Happy Monday to you all!
This week's Mosaic Monday is in honor of our second anniversary . . .
Yup Sept 21, 2008
 My (handsome, perfect) hubby and I were married!
Best 2 years of my life!!!
(More on this tomorrow, along with tons of fun wedding pics, you already know!)


I love my Mondays off!

*Going to get my "hair did"*
*coffee/bachelorette party planning with Annie*
*Making Sheperd's Pie*
*Hitting the gym*
*More crafts*
I also had a fabulously productive and fun weekend, photos in a post soon.

So in leiu of our anniversary . . .
How do you all celebrate your anniversary?
If married, for how long?
I think marriage is super fabulous and pretty easy, BUT it's only been 2 years right?!
And it helps that my hubby is pretty darn cute and amazing!

So whether you are married, divorced, dating, or single with past experience . . .
What are your relationship secrets:-)
Do share we all would love to hear!!!