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~Mosaic Monday and What I've been up to~

The theme of my next three weeks until the big show . . .
~Create beauty~

Any of you working on any creative projects?!
I know a ton of my fellow bloggers are super creative and crafty, do share!

Now onto a ridiculous amount of pictures
from the last little while of our lives:

~Baby Henry~
(my new little nephew is stinkin cute, can't get enough!!!)

~Hair did~
(With my girl Tessany at her salon Chocolates Cherries and Blondes)

~Victoria for our 2 year anniversary~
Rainy but still a blast! Waiting for the ferry . . .
Our haunted mansion "The Great Gatsby"
I love little B&B's!
Went to the B.C. Museum:

Went to High Tea at the Empress:
Mmmm tasty!

A lot of kissing took place:

Enjoyed some yummy cidar at a pub, then got ready for our dinner:

Mmmmm lobster tail and steak, the food was amazing!

~Antique fun: post soon!~
We have finished a little "antique" project, stay tuned for pics!
Maybe a little DIY post woo hoo
~Happy hours and constantly eating~
Non-stop let me tell ya! Between our happy hours, football games, etc we have been eating and eating.  Thank goodness for the gym otherwise I'd be huge!
Mmmmm our cheap but yummy sushi spot!

And my fave new boots:

~Happy Birthday Mama!~
Today is my mama's b-day! Love you mom!!!
Yesterday we went out to Ellensburg with the fam to celebrate:
My sis holding Baby Henry:
My little niece's first swing and slide experience:

Bro in law and his baby playing around:

Phew now I am caught up!!!
The rest of my day:
Posting up about 60 new items in my Etsy shop!
Dinner: Maybe some fish tacos???
Shipping recent sales

And with all of that I bid you farewell and enjoy your day to the fullest!!!
P.S. What did you do this weekend???