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~Tunes for your Tuesday . . . Katy B.-Style~

"Katy on a Mission" by Katy B
She has a lovely voice, and how cute is she?!

And since the weekend lasted until yesterday (what a busy long weekend!)
 . . .
our weekend re-cap:

2 phrases pretty much sum our weekend up:
~Yummy Food~
~Hard Work~

*Andy's work party at Golden Gardens*
They have this cute "bath house" that people rent for weddings, and this is where we had his work party. 
As you walk out this is the view:
 Lots of good food, good people and drinks:-)

A few of the boys:
My hot hubby:
A bunch of us played beach football, it was SUCH a good workout.  I was dyin the next day!
Sorry no more pics!

And while playing football . . . something crazy happened which started a LONG funny series of events:
more on this story soon . . . ha ha ha sorry you gotta wait:-)

*LOTS of Working on the house*
Working on that curb appeal right?!
We went to Home Depot 3x this weekend!
*Put up cute trim around all our windows in the front*
*Painted all the trim, the planter box and our overhang*
*Got new exterior lights and installed*
*Painted the front of our house*
*Put up more modern house numbers*

PHEW we were soooo tired!
But we love to walk out front a few times each night and look at how great it looks!!!!

To celebrate our hard work we ate A LOT all weekend lol

At the "What the Pho" in Bellevue, we love this place!!!
Mmmm my fave drink: Vietnamese Iced Coffee!!!
Happiness . . .

*Dinner at the In-laws*
No pics, but Andy's mom always makes the bEST food, mmmmmm!
We had crusted squash flowers, pelmeni, and yummy yummy side dishes.
Good times, as always!

*Happy Hour at Pearl*
Mmmm we ordered Calamari, Dungenous Crab Fritters, and BBQ Pork Sliders.
Oh and a few great drinks to go with.

Note to self: Hubby hates Whiskey. Do not let him order b/c he'll end up taking yours instead!
Pomegranate Tequila Sour . . . mmmm
A little dorky after a LONG hard working weekend and a few cocktails:

And with that I leave you to enjoy your Tuesday!  Hee hee

I am off to:
*Make this for dinner: Marinated Baked Pork Chops *
*Frost my cupcakes*
to get ready for
*Fantasy Football Draft tonight!!!*

My team is the Eastside Cupcakes, and I am ready to kick some butt and frost all the other teams hee hee. Wish me luck!!!!

A few BLOG POSTS coming up:

"I believe in tiny miracles"

Yummmy giveaway

"Let's get goal oriented"

Have a fabulous day!!!!