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~Day Zero Challenge . . . 101 goals in 1001 days~

(Inspired by the lovely Amber over at The Survival Guide for the Young, Fabulous and Newlywed)

I am a huge list person, as well as a dreamer.

So when I came across this idea I fell in love instantly!!!

I love crossing things off my list, and if they are FUN tasks checking off my list even better right?!

 "A unique challenge that inspires you to set and achieve your personal goals in life."

The Challenge:

Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

My completion date: June 1, 2013
Wow that's a long time! :-)

Although my list is still in the works, here are my 1st 20 goals:
1) Go on a hot air balloon ride

2) Run a half marathon

3)Take ballroom dancing lessons

4) Go sailing

5) Bake 10 different types of cupcakes from scratch

6) Host 10 different fun theme parties!!!

7) Host a cupcake/coffee tasting

8) Explore a cave

9) Cook my way through a cookbook

10) Draw out, plan and carry out a room makeover: interior design style!

11) Read ALL of the top 100 books

12) Travel to Scotland

13) Travel to Ireland

14) Attend a concert in another country

15) Go to a Chelsea vs Manchester United soccer match in England

16) Go to yoga classes 3x a week for a whole month

17) Go Strawberry picking and make jam as gifts

18) Eat at a new restaurant each month 

19) Ride our bikes to the vineyards and go wine tasting

20) Go on a kayaking/camping adventure

 . . .
So what do you say, wanna join me on this fun adventure to life live fully?!

I'd love to follow your progress as well, so email me or let me know if you are doing this!!! (memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com)

I will keep you all updated through my adventures on my blog, with pictures to document the progress:-)

"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can."
 ~Danny Kaye

What kind of things would your list have?
Do share, i'd love to hear!!!