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~September's Charity Spotlight: UNICEF~

Happy Wednesday you all!!!
Ok so . . . it's my once a month serious talk . . . (back to fun and cute tomorrow:-)

Now that August has come and gone (wow!)

I JUST donated my 5% of Memory Bean Design's August sales to "The Cove" cause,
and wanted to say a BIG thank you to the ladies who told me they donated last month, you rock and thank you!

Now on to a new cause:
This one is near and dear to my heart.
Children are not able to fend for themselves. 
They are just born into the situation they are in and don't know any different.

~About UNICEF~

"UNICEF has saved more children's lives than any other humanitarian organization in the world. Working in over 150 countries, UNICEF provides children with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief, and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF's work through fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States."

"UNICEF is at the forefront of efforts to reduce child mortality worldwide. There has been substantial progress the annual number of under-five deaths dropped from 13 million in 1990 to 8.8 million in 2008. But still, 24,000 children die each day from preventable causes. Our mission is to do whatever it takes to make that number zero by giving children the essentials for a safe and healthy childhood. For more information, visit www.unicefusa.org."

Unicef is currently helping out a ton in Pakistan:
(I know you have all seen the flooding devastation of Pakistan on the news)

"More than 8.5 million children have been left vulnerable by the unprecedented flooding in Pakistan.

Homes, schools and crops are destroyed as 1/5 of the country has been inundated. UNICEF is providing clean water, immunizations and therapeutic food to stave off malnutrition, but there are millions of women and children still in need.

Help us provide urgently needed:

150,000 hygiene kits;

1.5 million vaccinations for children under 5;

3 million packets of ORS salts; and

support for 1 million school children."

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."

~Mahatma Gandhi

Ok I tear up just writing this!

So what can we do to help:
1) Donate: click here to find the donation form.  We all know anything helps right?!

2) Text "FLOOD" to 27722 from your mobile phone to donate $10.
(this is found on CBS news and is legit-chk article here)
~Just did this to make sure it works~

3) Raise awareness: Maybe do a blog post (all you lovely bloggers)?
Twitter, FB, what have you . . . just spread the word and help save lives:-)
4) Volunteer: ok I know we all have our lives and aren't going to fly there to help, BUT through Unicef there are many many ways you can volunteer your time to help. 

So for the month of September I will continue to donate 5% of my sales to Unicef, although it may not be a huge amount anything helps right?!

Thank you all for hanging in there for this!
Sometimes in life all we want to see are happy things . . . butterflies and rainbows . . .
we are so blessed and with that we should show soem gratitude by helping those who can't help themselves:-)

Ok I'm done, promise!

For tomorrow:
European Vaca 2010 Day 4!
Come chk back for a ton of pics from our last day in Rome on our vaca
. . . then finally off to other European destinations!

Hope you all have a lovely day!!!