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In Hollywood, you get in and out of relationships so fast, that from the moment you find yourself in one, people are already anticipating when you'll break up. Though this is pretty negative thinking, it seems to be true most of the time. Females have made their own names in Hollywood without the help of a man by their side. These are women who have come out on top, after being heart broken by a man they once loved...


After winning her Oscar for Best Actress performance in Monster's Ball in 2002, she shortly divorced from her husband Eric Benet who admitted he was a sex addict and had cheated on her while they were married. Halle Berry though still not married now has a beautiful daughter Nahla with ex-boyfriend/model Gabriel Aubry and is still a hot ticket to star in movies. Not to mention her body is insane and her face is flawless!


Though it seemed like her marriage with ex-husband Brad Pitt was a dream come true, men succumbed to temptation, when he left her for goddess Angelina Jolie. Since then, her career has skyrocketed! She's in many movies, and holds the title as America's Best Friend because not only is she down to earth, but she embodies independence. Jennifer has no problem getting a man for herself, but she's strong enough to hold her on and make it sexy to be a single, powerful woman. Her body is also amazing!


After winning the Oscar for Best Actress in The Blind Side in 2010, reports of husband Jesse James surged headlines when he cheated on Sandra with different "biker looking chicks with tattoos." So many mistresses decided to open up about their relationship with Jesse, that it was inevitable for Sandra to get a divorce. Known as "America's Sweetheart" she is at the top of her game in the Hollywood scene and dating around, rumors circulating with Ryan Reynolds. With one man gone from her life, she has adopted a black baby from New Orleans named Louis Bardo Bullock.


After 7 years of marriage to NBA star Tony Parker, divorce ensued. Though this marriage seemed like it was going to last, it became another casualty of Hollywood marriages not working out in the long haul, though this is longer than average. After claiming she found 100s of text messages between her husband and a wife of his former teammate Barry, she also admits to him cheating on her early in their marriage and kept in touch with that female via Facebook. Since her divorce, Eva is back on the Hot List looking stunning at every red carpet event, and is currently the face of the liquor Nuvo.


Recently splitting up with long time boyfriend Justin Timberlake, she is officially back on the market. Though her career in Hollywood has taken a back seat, she has definitely made it up in other areas. Not only does she do Revlon ads, but her body is definitely insane. Being known in Hollywood for a great body that is muscular, toned, and yet feminine at the same time makes this beauty a knock out. I know from this split, she will definitely upgrade in both career and man.

These females prove that they can and will survive without a man in their lives. Since their publicized breakups, they have ruled the Hollywood market with their talent and sex appeal. This example shows that women can be independent, strong, and beautiful at the same time. GIRL POWER!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
