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~Tunes for your Tuesday, and a WINNER!~

Joshua Radin . . .
tomorrow in Seattle . . .
the hubby and I have a date night!

"I'd rather be with you":
Most people I talk to about him haven't even heard of him. 
He was on the Bachelorette . . . hello!

Anywho it's a busy 2 weeks here with family coming into town, we seriously have something each and every night, but will be fun family time!

ALSO, today is the end of the lovely Icing101 Giveaway . . .
the winner of this:
Via Random.org . .
is . . .
#2 Liesl!
Congrats girly!
Go ahead and email me your shipping info to memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com and we'll get your prize to ya!

Also a big thanks to Hannah from Icing 101,
it was a pleasure getting to know you and your fabulous creations!

Next up . . . another Fabulously Free Giveaway . . .
and some interviews with some crazy talented ladies!

Happy Tuesday!

Pssst I'm still dremaing of some LB's . . .
Louboutin teamed up with Mattel, inspired by Barbie . . .
would love to rock these with a black dress, just sayin!