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~Why today was a goooood day!~

I pretty much had a fabulous day!

Reason #1:
No work!

Slept in

Got in a hard core workout at the gym.

Awww thanks to one of my fave recent customers, The Kosek Casa has featured her purchases from my shop on her blog today here.
She bought some hooks for her lockers in my shop

Thanks hun!
I love when people are happy with their purchases:-)

Made an amazing beef stew

It was finally above 60 today, and sunny!

Finished my book (House Rules by Jodi Picoult)

Set up another meeting with a potential bride for Saturday!

Yup today was a good day!

Psssst . . . don't forget to sign up for the Sweet Spring Swap

co hosted by my girl MJ over at Teaching in Heels.
Sign up HERE!
Doooo it!

Happy Wednesday to you all!!!