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~Why I Blog . . . and a Winner!~

Ok so first I need to say a HUGE congrats to our lucky winner . . .
of one of Nikkisic's gorgeous scarves . . .
(via random.org)
So you can pick a scarf from her shop, OR you guys can even work together on your own one of a kind scarf.  I'm jealous!!!
Email me your addy and choice to memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com.

NOW onto an important topic to me lately . . .

Why I blog

*To share my thoughts/fears/concerns/joys/adventures

*An outlet for my excitement (b/c sometimes it's bubbling over and I need an outlet! Lol)

*To meet some UH-MAZING people

*To keep an "online journal" that I can go back and read, to write down funny stories and adventures before I forget!

*To inspire others

*To share my creations

*To motivate myself to stick with challenges, and hold me accountable to these challenges

*To ask advice when needed (thanks guys!)

*To share some great ideas/finds with others

*To find inspriation on other blogs (this happens daily!)

*To keep those friends and family members that read my blog informed on me and our little family

I do not blog
To gain extra followers, or to try to be someone I am not.

This is me!
I'm kind of random, girly, crazy, I love to cook, shop, create, inspire, read, write, travel, bake, laugh, plan parties, and I just love life.
I go through spurts where I write more often, more in depth, etc and then there will be times where I am out enjoying life with little blogging time.

I've noticed that I have lost a few "followers" over the past week, and at first I was kind of sad . . . but now I'm over it! Hee hee . . . I know my blog will not appeal to everyone.  If you don't like it, don't follow.  It's all gravy with me:-)

So no, my blog is not here to please everyone. I am going to be me, and as long as I keep true to myself I am not worried about these little things.

Sometimes we have to remind ourselves why we do things in life . . .
life is way to short to waste time or try to be someone we are not.

Sorry if this wasn't all cute and full of fun (like usual).
Just breaking it down and being real.

Now it's your turn . . .
So why do YOU blog?!