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~Sponsor Love: Oh Leander Handmade~

Meet one of "Life and Styles of Tamara Nicole"
Her shop is full of fun knitted items, chic and girly.

A little bit about my friend Cassandra:

Where do you gather inspiration from?

Cassandra: "I gather inspiration from lots of many places! Music, movies, things I come across online, etc. I spend far more time than I should sitting at the computer (lol), just browsing different sites. I love coming across new and interesting things on fellow bloggers' pages!"


Give us 2 words to describe your personal style:

Cassandra: "Eclectic, and easy"

What are your top 3 favorite shops or online stores?

Cassandra: "Ohh shopping! I love Urban Outfitters/Antropologie for their wide range of apparel and home decor...all of which are so my style. Next comes Etsy- you can find basically anything on there, and support local, and small businesses at the same time! Lastly, although I have yet to buy something off it, I'm in love with anything EmersonMade."
What was the BEST handmade gift that anyone has ever given you?

Cassandra: "Hmm...the best handmade gift. I'd have to say that was the knitting/crochet kit my mom put together for me last Christmas! It's perfectly portable and makes crocheting on the go so much easier!"

What influenced you opening your shop?

Cassandra: "Well, crocheting had started out as a hobby for me. But as my stack of handmade goods started to turn into a pile that was slowly taking over a corner or our living room, I thought I'd open a shop to see if anyone liked my products enough to buy them...and they did! I was so excited when I got my first sale!"

Tell us a little bit about your creative process

Cassandra: "First off, I think about things that I would want for myself and could actually put to good use. I then create a prototype using a pattern I've drawn up. Once completed, if I like the finished product, I create more of them, and in a variety of colors!"

What do you want others to get out of your items/shop?

Cassandra: "My goal is that my customers end up loving my products, as much as I loved creating them! That's all I can ask for."

What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?

Cassandra: "My personal favorites would probably have to be my Chunky Cowls! They are super warm, and the colors are great!"

Besides your wonderful items in your shop, what are some of your other creative outlets/hobbies?

Cassandra: "I've drawn and painted for as long as I can remember! I enjoy anything artsy- painting, dancing, singing, photography, etc."

Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about you or your fabulous creations?

Cassandra: "I would just like to thank everyone who visits my shops (bigcartel/etsy), your support means the world to me!"

I bought a wine cozy from her shop, and I LOVE it!
Looks great on the table when we have dinner parties!

Yup as you see Cassandra's pretty talented, and amazing!
In addition to her cute shop Oh Leander . . . she also has a fun upbeat blog MoonFace, go say hi!

~For information on how you could sponsor my blog please contact me memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com~