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~Fabulously Free Giveaway: Nikkisic~

Meet my new friend Nicole . . .
Happens to be crazy talented. 

Once I saw her girly scarves I was hooked!
Each scarf is unique, she uses fun vintage fabric and turns it into a beautiful new item . . .

Let's hear from this super cute chic:

Where do you gather inspiration from?

"I gather a lot of my inspiration from the 1790's, I love all the lace, ruffles and bows as well as the colors."

Give us 2 words to describe your personal style:

Classic and Girlie

What are your top 3 favorite shops/online stores?

My top favorite shops are:

She makes the most beautiful flower headbands.

Best smelling soap ever as well as candles and perfume.

Beautiful knitted headbands, I'm in love with her swirl flower headbands.


What was the BEST handmade gift that anyone has ever given you?

"The best handmade gifts are those made by my two little boys."


What influenced you opening your Etsy shop?

"I was actually influenced by my really good friend who also has a etsy shop. She makes the most wonderful wedding favors (Megasmiles). It seemed like such a great way to get my line out there. I figured I needed to use my fashion education and this was a great place to start."


Tell us a little bit about your creative process

"My creative process consists of a lot of brainstorming, most of which happens when I am laying in bed at night (bedside notebook is a plus!) I experiment with a lot of different fabrics, mixing and matching, I love it!"


What do you want others to get out of your items/shop?

"I want everyone that wears my scarves to get that sense of
luxury and girlie-ness.
To feel pretty and done up with such little effort. If you don't feel like wearing a necklace, throw on one of my scarves. I have fabric choices for every season. Don't like the bows, I also do flowers."


What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?

"My favorite items are my lacy scarves, I love the delicate vintage vibe they give off. I incorporate vintage fabrics into most of my scarves which make them one of a kind. I also love my fleece scarves! They are my top seller!"


Besides your wonderful items in your shop, what are some of your other creative outlets/hobbies?

"Most of my day is dedicated to my little boys ages 4 and 3. They are a fun outlet!! On my time, which is during nap time and after 9pm, I love to sew. I'm always designing some sort of garment to wear, lately I've been working on gloves. I want to carry elegant gloves for special occasions.

When I'm not sewing I love to paint."

Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about you or your fabulous creations?

"I'm just thankful that I'm able to use the talents God gave me and its been such a blessing! I'm always creating something new,
This year I'm working hard to get my gloves, birdcage veils and bracelets out! Stay tuned!"
Ohhhh snap can't wait!
Ok how cute?!
On to the details . . .
Win a scarf of your choice
 help work with Nicole to create your very own scarf!!!
Sweet I'm jealous already!
Check out her Etsy shop here, and come back and tell me your fave item
Also, must be a follower here via google
Extra chances, seperate comments!
Fave Nikkisic on Etsy
Fan Nikkisic on FB here
Fan MBD on FB here
Blog this= TWO entries!
Good luck chicas!!!
Ends Saturday March 19th at 8 pm Pacific
Open worldwide, enjoy!!!