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It has been in the news that music artists HERE in the United States have performed for Libyan terrorist Muammar Gaddafi. Maybe they didn't know who they were performing for, but I guess when at least $1 million dollars is on the line, who can say no to that amount of money.

The family of the dictator is known to throw lavish parties where these musical artists perform short sets for Gaddafi's son Muatassim. The names of these artists include: BEYONCE, MARIAH CAREY, USHER, 50 CENT, AND NELLY FURTADO.

Recently word has come out about Libya's protests of Muammar Gaddafi's public brutality amongst the people in Libya. Not only is he a supporter of international terrorism, but he is ANTI-AMERICAN AND ANTI-WESTERNER. Knowing this, why would an "American artist" who became popular in the United States agree to perform for this man and his family? Do they have any moral codes or do they only speak in terms of money?

It has been brought up recently that Beyonce being centered in controversy over her "blackface"photo shoot needs to speak up about what she believes in, and with this story being brought up again, we're questioning whether she has any moral code. This applies to the other artists who were on the list as well. Since this story is in the news, many executives in the music industry are saying that these musicians should donate their money to a cause such as Nelly Furtado recently announced. But though that is the right thing to do, who knows if these artists will realize own morals about what's right and wrong, and give away the money for charity.

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
