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~Pretty Pink Party Decor~

Ok so my mind whirls around all crazy all the time
I think it's just being female, right?

Anyway I just wanted to share with my blog buddies my latest obsession:
~Pink Party Decor~

I'm throwing a bridal shower this summer . . .
so excited!
I've been talking about having a cute summer tea party for a while, and now I can!!!

Just bought:

(serious fun shop, chk it out!)

Also from Hey Yo Yo:

I found so many fun tea cups on Etsy, but I don't want to pay shipping for a lot of them individually, so I'll just check out local thrift stores to find enough pink/gold/yellow cups.
Cake pedestals
Mason Jars
Need to make fabric garland and poms
A cute white distressed dresser

Soooo excited!

So pretty right?!
And you know I'll be posting pics when we have the party in my backyard!

Are you into throwing parties?
Any great ideas/inspirational blogs/sites you want to share
~Tamara Nicole~

ALSO: Spring Blog Swap coming later this week!
AND gorgeous scarf from Nikkisic . . . Giveaway extended until Saturday!