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~Euopean Vacation Day #6: Pisa~

European Vaca . . . Day #6 Pisa, Italy!
Still playing catch up from posting our vacation from May 2010 . . . it's about time right?!
If you missed them, Days: 1,2,3,4,5

If any of you have been to Pisa . . . you know it's pretty much just a small little courtyard with a few buildings . . . one being the famous leaning tower.

If you come here, you stay for like an hour, take way too many pictures and then off to the next spot!

BUT the pics are worth it . . .
Here's us being dorky by the famous
Leaning Tower of Pisa:

One "must do" here is take like 100 pics of you pushing or holding up the tower.
Seriously like 100 people were all doing this at once, kind of funny.

Yup and another one!

Had enough yet? :-)

I have a big obsession with huge European doors, loved this one!

And that's Pisa in a nut shell!

Missed our Days 1,2,3,4,5?
Catch up! Hee hee
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