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~Mosaic Monday: Giveaway week and parrrrtay . . . 1 year blog birthday soon!~

Happy Monday!
I am truly super excited this week . . . for Friday is my
Blog's First Birthday!

Began a year ago as a way to express myself, I've grown to love it, and all of my friends gained over the year!

I wrote in my planner that the 14th is my Blog's Birthday, and my hubby laughed:-)
Little does he know we really are celebrating! Hee hee breaking out party hats!

Anyway for my Blog's Birthday . . . my
Monday Mosaic:
Stay tuned for possibly THREE Giveaways this week!

Now onto a quick recap of our weekend:

*Watched a ton of movies via Netflix with the hubby (heart it!)*
*Finally cleaned up any signs of Christmas in our house*
*Editted, printed and put up a mosaic of photos from our travels on a wall,
will show pics soon!*
(a few sneak peaks:)

We took in Eze, France 2010
St Mark's Square Venice, Italy 2009

Another Venice! 2009

Rome, Italy 2010

Santorini, Greece 2009

Pisa, Italy 2010

Rome, Italy 2010
*Worked out 2x, yay!*
*Went out to a dinner party at Pearl, amazing!!!*

*Went back to my "craft roots" and scrapbooked for the first time in forever!*

*lots of walks with the dogs*

*Watched the Seahawks beat the Champions, the Saints!!! Woooo hoooo!*
*Almost finished Little Women, oh I love that book!*

Here's to an amazing week for all of you,
and don't forget to visit frequently for giveaways!!!
Also an announcement and sign up for my Valentine's Swap!
So many fun things, I can't hardly contain myself:-)

How was your weekend?!