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~Tunes for your Tuesday . . . Adele style~

Ok who doesn't love them some Adele?!

I do! She has an amazing voice:-)

Anywho just keeping it short and sweet today . . .
JUST finished my "Valentine's Line" late last night, and will take photos and list in the shop and share pics soon!

A few photos from our weekend:
Took these crazy fur balls . . .
 Princess Capri
To the dog park, they loooove it there:-)

 Our new addition Lulu doesn't really know how to follow us quite yet, so we have to pick her up once in a while if we want to go anywhere at all! Lol she's so stinkin cute!
The off to my sister's twenty sixth birthday!
Yikes that means I am going to be 28 this year, yuck!
My li niece (1 1/2) and nephew (4 months) had fun:

She's looking so much like her mama!

 Happy Birthday lil sis I love you mucho!!!

Date night at Barrio, mmmmm!
Smoked Pork Tacos, Jalapeno Margarita, yucca fries and champagne sorbet, yum!
This place was voted Eastside's best drinks, and they are sure good!

Ooooh and I've been making some amazing recipes out of my 200 Italian Recipes book, I'll post these along with pics soon, 5 recipes down, 195 to go!

Pssst just made prosciutto and artichoke pizza tonight, will have to step up the workout if I am going to continue cooking this way:-)

Hope you all have a lovely Tuesday!