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~Mosaic Monday: Italian food!~

Happy Monday!

What a busy day it has been.
Errands errands errands

Ooooh and a fun coffee date with my dear Cynthia.
We went to Starbucks on the 40th floor of the Columbia Tower downtown Seattle, and what a view!
(my new camera was broken NYE by a drunk . . . new one on it's way . . .so only Cynthia's iphone for pics)
My lovely Swedish friend!

Always fun to chat and sip on some coffee with a dear friend:-)

So moving on to my
Monday Mosaic . . .

Wouldn't it be so nice to be in Tuscany right now . . .
sipping on some divine wine, and eating some amazing food?!

Awwww I do miss their cafes, pizzerias, mmmmm and don't forget the gelato!

So as I said before, I am not doing any actual new years resolutions,
but I am sticking with my 101 in 1001 days!

So one of my goals is to cook my way through a cookbook,
and I've found the perfect one!
Thanks to my dear mom for the Christmas gift!
I've already bought the food for my first recipe, starting out in the
 "antipasta" section!
I'll keep you guys posted on my fave recipes, etc.  BUT don't worry, food will not be taking over my blog, nor my waistline! Just a little post here and there to share,
cause who doesn't love some Italian food?!

I am already planning an Italian dinner party night this month, so excited!

Ha ha I plan on keeping in shape with all this yummy food!
(My hubby and I went running in the 32 degree weather tonight, crazies.)

Have any of you been to Italy to taste the real authentic Italian food?
Any favorite Italian dishes???

Soooo excited to get this going, and actually follow all the way through with a goal! (hee hee)

Here's to an amazing Monday!

Buona notte.