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~Another Fabulously Free Giveaway . . . from Ande Monster!~

Another Giveaway for the Bloggy Birthday Week!

I'm sure most of your know the super sweet and major talented

She has a classy and chic blog (one of my faves),
and an amazingly adorable vintage shop . . .
AND she's my blog's newest sponsor!!!

What is Ande Monster you ask?!

"Ande Mönster, meaning "Spirit Designs" in Swedish, is about supplying you with one-of-a-kind vintage kind pieces and vintage-inspired pieces to add to your collection (or start your collection)."
 She sells three different types of products:
Vintage Classics
"Upcycled" vintage
Vintage-Inspired clothing

So before I tell you what goodies she has to give to one super lucky winner, let's hear more about my dear friend Rachael:
Me: Give us 2 words to describe your personal style:


Me: What are your top 3 favorite shops/online stores?

~Typewriter Boneyard ~

Me: What do you want others to get out of your items/shop?

Rachael: "I love vintage items.

 I find they are quality items, built to last. They have a story behind them. I find vintage fun, classy, and sassy. I am hoping to share this love of vintage with all my buyers! And I do this buy stocking my shop with one of a kind vintage treasures in excellent condition."

Me: What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?

Rachael:  "I believe vintage dresses sell the best in my shop. Specifically dresses from the 50's/60's era that have a "Mad Men" feel. I am crazy about 60's wiggle dresses!"

Me: Besides your wonderful items in your shop, what are some of your other creative outlets/hobbies?

Rachael: "I love to write on my blog, It's Simple Love, and I love traveling and anything outdoors! Specifically rock climbing, hiking, and kayaking."

Me: Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about you or your fabulous creations?

Rachael: "I am having a twenty dollar dress sale (here) 
 at the moment!
ALSO . . .
Enter in the coupon code "memorybean" for 15% off at check out!"
The Giveaway:
Win this amazing vintage bag:

To enter:
Follow me, AND tell me your absolute fave item from Ande Monster

  Extra Entries:
(Seperate comments ladies!)
~Follow It's Simple Love (1 extra)~
~Favorite Ande Monster Etsy Shop (1 extra)~
~Blog about this fab giveaway and leave me a link (THREE extra)~
~Like Memory Bean Designs on FB (1 extra)~

Winner announced Friday January 21st

Goooood luck:-)
Alos make sure to enter my other Giveaway this week: Raw Art Letterpress HERE!
Don't miss out!
More celebrations for my Blog's First Birthday:
ONE more Giveaway
Valentine's Swap
Stay tuned!
Happy Birthday to me blog . . . Happy Birthday to meeeeee blog!!!