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~Mosaic Monday and my busy weekend!~

Happy Happy Monday!
How was your weekend?

Ours was great!
Busy as it was, we also had some relaxing time to re-coup . . .
 And dream about sunny weather . . .

Oh I can't hardly wait for some sunshine and warmth!

Anywho our weekend:
*Watched several movies (Wallstreet Never Sleeps, Inception)*

*Girl's Breakfast!*
(Met with 6 of my girls Sat morning for some good old catching up and chatting)

*Matinee with the hubby to see "The Rite"*
(kinda freaky!)

*Happy Hour with the hubby at Lot No. 3*
The food and drinks were good! AND we actually ended up getting all of our food FREE! Yup we saved like $40 b/c we were patient while it took an hour to get our food.  Funny thing was . . . we didn't even notice! Good drinks, and great discussions and the time flew by.  But hey I'll take free food, thanks!

Was soooo good.  So I'll admit, we're not the best at going on a regular basis.  BUT it's funny b/c I feel like when I do go, it's just what I need to hear.

*Remodel project with the In-Laws*
We're helping the in-laws remodel and spruce up their house.  Many trips to Home Depot, and discussions on what to do.  I feel like I'm a host on HGTV! Will post pics of our many projects, and we are excited to be creative and help!
Can't wait to paint this brick, tile the bench, and rip out the gold and get a new fireplace screen, etc.

*Finished Jane Eyre*
Yup finished my book, now on to the next classic! Looooove how classics are FREE on the Kindle!!!

*Made and shipped recent orders from Etsy shop*

*Made some fun items for my Valentine's Swap, so many ladies participating this will be fun! My very first blog swap, and many more to come!!!*

Now it's your turn to share your weekend!

Hope you all have a great start to your week!