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~Stylish Blogger Award~

Happy Wednesday all my lovelies!
The weather here in quite dreary . . .
so to cheer me up today my great blog/Etsy friend Aya awarded me with:

Brightened my day right up!

See how this award works. I will:

*Thank and link back to the person that awarded me*

*Share 7 things about myself*

*Pay it forward to 10 amazing bloggers*

*Contact those bloggers about the award!*

7 random me facts:

1) As a red-head, I secretly only want red-headed daughters, not sons. 
Is that bad?! Heee hee

2) I just discovered Lychee cosmos! Yummmm! Ok and also Disaronno, amazing!

3) I looooove anything handmade . . . they make the best gifts! Especially random gifts just because, how sweet:-)

4) I am currently obsessed with classic books on my Kindle!!!  They are FREE to download, and I already downloaded like 40 books, will take me a while but I'm excited!

5) My favorite coffee drink is a raspberry/ white chocolate mocha, mmmmmmmm

6) I use exclaimation points and smiley faces wayyy too ften, but that's me and that's who I am so if you don't like it, oh well! :-)

7) I am a strong believer in "date nights" when you are married! Weekly if possible.  It's so nice to get out of the house and just have some great conversations without any distractions.

Now I pass this on to a few of my spectacular blog friends: