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~Winner Craze and Lacey Love~

Happy Happy Friday loves!!!

First off we have three fabulous winners from my blog birthday giveaway craziness . . .

Giveaway #1 . . .

Sponsored by Raw Art Letterpress, the lucky winner of a print of their choice is . . .
(via random.org)
"I gotta go with the Winnie the Pooh, so simple yet inspiring :) I am in love with Rawart Letter Press! Thanks for posting about this!"
Congrats girly! Go ahead and email me you choice of print, and your mailing address to memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com!
Woooo hooo!

Giveaway #2 . . .
this jewel . . .
My lovely friend Rachael from Ande Monster Vintage is giving to . . .
(via random.org)

Congrats chica!
So to claim this gem, email me your address memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com

AND Giveaway #3

Hosted by Meeeeeee!
(via random.org)
Congrats chica! I'm so excited for you!!!
So for you, email me your fave colors/designs
(or look on quilthome.com and pick your fave fabric and I'll find 2 other matching fabrics to make you your custom bag!!!)
and email your address and choice of fabric or colors to memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com

Ooooh and my

is closing on Monday, make sure you enter HERE if you are interested in joining in on the Valentine's love!
More info here
Moving on finally . . .

A few current loves (and one crazy obsession) for lace!
Lace just speaks girliness and flirty fun, who doesn't love a little???

My HUGE obsession . . . how stinkin cute?!

$298.00 $196.00 Save: 34% off

(If only they were a little cheaper, can't really pull myself to spending this much on heels when we have vacations coming up! But I want them sooooo bad!)

There you have it, some fun lacey girliness to start your weekend off:-)

Hope you all have a fabuloso weekend!
~Tamara Nicole~