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~Mosiac Monday~ and last chance for Valentine's Day Swap!

Hellloooooo all my wonderful peeps:-)
I hope you all had a fine weekend . . . I sure did!
Date night with yucca fries and jalapeno margaritas, french night with the girls, birthday celebrations, etc. Phew!
Will have to update you all on my last 2 weekends when I can, all my photos are at home and I'm a chillin at Starbucks while my mini is getting serviced.

My Mosaic Monday:
awwww isn't it cute?! So I honestly think aside from Christmas, my favorite holiday is Valentine's Day.
I'm obsessed, and what other holiday is all lovey and pink and girly?
So although it is exactly 3 weeks away, a girl needs to prepare right?
So I've been crafting away for a "special giveaway" on another blog soon . . .
Getting items ready for the shop . . .
Planning a fun Valentine's date for the hubby . . .
and hosting my very first swap, and a Valentine's Swap woooo hooo!

So if any of you haven't signed up and are interested, details and sign up here.
Swap closes tonight! So hurr up:-)
So far I have 35 ladies, it'll be fun!

Anywho I leave you to beginning your week on a good note (I hope!)
Have a great week!!!

Any of you already know what you're doing Valentine's Day?