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~Wedding Love~

Hey ya'll! I can't believe it's already Thursday . . . crazy!

Quick post today to share a few pics from a good friend's wedding,
photography by In A Frame Photography (same one I used for my wedding, I love Cheryl!)Bekah's wedding
Ohhhh yeah and that's me doing her makeup, awww!

She wore super cute cowgirl boots, as well as her hubby and her lil girl . . .

Her daughter's dress was made from Bekah's grandma's wedding dress, how adorable?!

Love this little girl!

Oh I just love weddings!

AND good news . . .  I get to help plan my other friend's wedding for this Sept, soooo excited! So that's 2 thatw e are attending so far this summer, but you know how they spring up at this age so probably more:-)
Do you already have weddings planned this summer?

Hope you guys have a great day!