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~Valentine's Day Swap!~

I am soooo excited for this!

I've had many of you ladies say you are interested,
and who doesn't love a
nice sweet gift in the mail full of fun surprises?!

The Sweets:

Put together a lovely package for your lucky girl,
make your items, mix and match or buy some fun lovies to put in your Valentine's Gift.
(Try to have it around $15-$20 ish)

Sign up!
1) Comment with your email below if you are interested in participating in this swap! Will email you soon to get your addy, etc.

2) Answer the following:
*What's your style? Vintage, Girly or Modern, etc.
*Top 3 fave stores?
*White, Dark or Milk Chocolate?
*Fave color?
*Your blog address?

The next Monday I will send you all an email with your secret Valentine's info, and address.
Pick out fun items, wrap them up super duper cute, and make sure you mail out your package by Feb. 5th to assure it arrives just in time!

It's like grade school all over again with Valentine's, but even better!!!!

If, like me, you want to do TWO swaps because you LOVE gifts, let me know and we'll arrange!

Soooooo excited! I love stuff like this!

Wanna spread the Valentine's Love and post?

Post about it now, or when you have your gift ready to send take some pics and blog about it!

Let's spread the love and make this huge, yayyyy for all of my Valentine Loves!

Grab the button:
Valentine's Day Swap

Pssst don't forget to add your email below:-)