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The biggest awards ceremony took place last night at the Nokia Theatre. The big night brought on the A-game of many celebrities, most notably the women! A trend for the night that is making it's appearance into Spring is the color Red (and it's different shades) along with the one-shoulder dress trend that is more defined. This Spring season calls for nothing but FLAIR.

Congratulations to Natalie Portman for winning the Oscar for Best Actress for her portrayal in "Black Swan." She truly deserved it and it's so nice seeing her experience so many great things simultaneously: recognition for her craft, pregnancy, and love with her fiance.

Hands down best dressed of the night right when I saw her was Mila Kunis. She wore a lilac colored Elie Saab gown that was so dreamy. The detailing of lace in the low cut chest area was not overtly provocative because of the flowy detail of the entire look. She looked so beautiful and her hair and make-up was perfect with this dress, nothing overpowering, but it made a strong statement together that definitely got her noticed.

But what really had people buzzing were the many outfit changes of co-host Anne Hathaway during the 3 hour broadcast. Was it really necessary to change that many times? Regardless, she looked amazing in all of them and it was refreshing to see new faces hosting the biggest awards ceremony. Seeing Anne on-stage with her confidence emitted a genuine feeling of gratitude for the opportunity she was given. GO GIRL!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me



Today Lady Gaga released the anticipated video for her hit single "Born This Way." Again, Lady Gaga has managed to trip me out with her videos!

In this video she initially talks about the Manifesto of Mother Monster where a race baring no prejudice or judgement, but boundless freedom was born. Then another race was born, an evil side that promoted violence and war with one another. One strange thing I noticed in the video was that it began with an upside down triangle, then ended with a triangle, like the pyramid referring to possibly the illuminati? (Something to think about...)

It is clear that Lady Gaga's message is to promote equality amongst all despite differences in race or sexual orientation. I truly admire her work. Though people may think she's weird, it's refreshing to see her use her fame to promote a good cause. She actively stands behind the LGBT community and she is very eloquent in her points of view.

Lady Gaga preaches that everyone shouldn't be ashamed for being who they are because we are all unique and gifted. She even confessed at the Grammys that this song was previously made for Whitney Houston to sing it because Lady Gaga herself wasn't comfortable in her own skin. Now Lady Gaga is asserting how proud she is of herself and what she stands for. May everyone who listens to this song be inspired to stay true to themselves and what they believe in.MORE POWER TO YOU!!!

Check out her video!!!


You Just Do You, Imma Do Me


~Mosaic Monday: Tea Party!~

Happy Monday!

How was your weekend?!

Ours was nice and relaxing . . .

Movies cuddled up
Happy Hour at Ruth Chris Steak House (yummm)

More work on the in-laws re-modeling project, almost done!
Finished writing my business plan (lots of work!)
Craft Time
Cleaning House Craze
Hit the gym 2x (woooo hoo!)

Altogether it was a nice, relaxing yet productive weekend.

Now that we are slowly approaching Spring . . .
I am getting the itch to stop hibernating and start planning social events!

One goal I for sure am going to do this year is plan a

~Tea Party!~

Although not exactly Mad Hatter style, I will have mis-matching cute china, we'll all dress up and have a jolly ole time!

Pssst come back next time for a lovely giveaway . . .

Kobe Bryant's Nike Shoe Empire

KOBE BRYANT...(aka Black Mamba, aka Bean Bryant) is an all-star player with his own line of sneakers sponsored by Nike. With 6 different versions of his sneaker out, it's hard to decipher which one is right for you.

The Nike Air Zoom Kobe I was collaborated with graffiti artist and Nike collaborator Stash. This first official shoe of Kobe's made it's debut during the Lakers and Heat game Christmas Day 2005, but was on sale nationwide February 10, 2006 along with his Nike clothing line. These shoes have a thick looking sole and look kind of stiff.

In 2007, Kobe introduced the Nike Zoom Kobe II (ZKII) to the public. This shoe line called "Weapons of War" combined 3 separate basketball shoes of the Zoom Kobe Sheath, Strength, and Lite. According to Kobe's expectations, this shoe provided speed, strength, traction, increased flexibility, and support. Average price runs between $130-$150.

In January 2008, Kobe released the Nike Zoom Kobe III which was more of a softer looking shoe covered with a netting design.

The Hyperdunks launched April 7, 2008, where Kobe regarded them as the "lightest and strongest basketball shoe ever." These were the shoes used by the U.S. Mens Pro Basketball Team at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. This shoe represents different players by having its own colors and characters. This shoe was made ultra famous by the commercial of Kobe jumping over an Ashton Martin full speed. Price range runs between $100-$140.

With the success of the Hyperdunks, Kobe released the Nike Zoom Kobe IV which was a basketball shoe, but didn't look like a typical one. This version features a reptile print on the heel and toe box along with a translucent midsole. The tongue on the shoes have the phrase "Carpe Diem" which in Latin means "Seize the Day."

The Nike Zoom Kobe V was available January 16, 2010 and was the lightest shoes ever made by Nike. The design of the lower top was inspired by the footwear of soccer players and this shoe has skins of snake scale and shark fin.

Kobe's shoe for the 2011 NBA season are the Nike Zoom Kobe VI which look like the Kobe V, but have a netting (or snake skin) design throughout most of the shoe.

I don't know the exact reason for Kobe's sneaker line to be the most popular amongst the public, but love him or hate him, Kobe Bryant is very marketable. Not only is he one of the greatest basketball players of all time, but he knows what he wants when he decides to promote something. The thing that makes the Kobe line of sneakers "tick" is the great design, and it doesn't hurt that everyone wants to be like this superstar. The price range for almost all his shoes are $130-$200 depending on the style and type of edition you prefer. All I know is that Kobe's shoe empire will continue and leave a legacy in the basketball sneaker world.

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me


Twitter Battle Between Ri-Ri & Ci-Ci

Superstars Rihanna and Ciara (also former loves of Chris Brown) got into a heated battle via Twitter yesterday!

It all started when Ciara dissed Rihanna publicly on E!'s Fashion Police saying, "I ran into her recently at a party. She wasn't the nicest. It's crazy, because I've always loved and respected what she's done in fashion. It wasn't the most pleasant run-in." Check out this clip from yesterday's Fashion Police: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AijPKLefvfU

Rihanna, not too pleased about the whole diss tweeted back, "My bad Ci, did I forget to tip you? How rude of me....You gangsta huh? Ha."

Ciara responded: "Trust me Rihanna you don't want to see me on or off the stage."

"Good luck with bookin that stage you speak of," Rihanna replied.

Finding that funny, Ciara tweeted: "Pure comedy."

What makes this twitter battle even worse was the involvement of celebrity blogger Perez Hilton who took the side of Rihanna!

He tweeted: "@ciara It obviously wasn't funny to her. It was hurtful. @Rihanna has had a difficult week."

"@ciara And I'm sure your week has been difficult too, publicly proclaiming that your label doesn't support you and you want to be dropped."

Rihanna decided to be the first to make amends after this twitter battle became too out of control. She tweeted: "Ciara baby, I love you girl! You hurt my feelings real bad on TV! I'm heartbroken! That's why I retaliated this way! So sorry! Let's make up."

Perez Hilton again wants to come between the issue and reinforces: "@ciara She extended an olive branch to you now and is being the bigger person. Accept it and move on. Or stay petty and less successful."

Ciara had nothing to do but accept the apology tweeting: "Ri, u know its always been love since day 1! Doing shows and everything. You threw me off in that party! Apology accepted. Let's chat in person."

Now that's solved, can someone tell me why these two superstars decided to publicly air their arguments via Twitter? What happened to actually talking things over in person, or at least over the phone without any of the millions of witnesses on Twitter? I guess someone wasn't comfortable solving this problem personally, when Perez Hilton had to join the mix! He seriously needs to mind his own business because it had nothing to do with him even though he was trying to make amends between both of the beauties. Ciara didn't really bad-mouth Rihanna in a rude way by just saying she wasn't that pleasant the last time they ran into each other. But Rihanna decided to take it to the next level talking about how more successful she is than Ciara =>HARSH!!!

FEMALES NEED TO STAY TOGETHER, NOT DISS EACH OTHER!!! But at least everything was solved via Twitter yesterday. What has technology brought upon us? At least problem solving is only a Tweet away...

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me


~Recent Scores!~

Happy Saturday!

Just a quick post while the hubby and I are watching England vs. France in Rugby on the tellie! Lol they are rough, crazy men.

I just wanted to share a few goodies I found (and bought!):

I am all about support.
Especially towards sweet, talented fellow bloggers!

From the sweet Anna
Check out her inspiring blog here

I scored:

Love! Can't wait to wear it tonight!


The lovely Cassandra from the adorable blog Moon Face
Also has this uber chic and cute shop HERE
I scored:

Can I tell you how excited I am?!
(You can probably tell by all my exclamation points!)

I know several of you talented ladies also run your own businesses, and have lovely shops!
OR know of a fellow blogger who has a shop as well. 
Share them with us!
Promote the blog handmade love.

C00GI and It's Transformation Into Hip-Hop Culture

Once upon a time, COOGI was known as the Bill Cosby sweater, the piece of clothing he would wear on #1 hit series "The Cosby Show." Before Biggie started rocking the brand himself, he was influenced by Walt G, a flashy guy from Mount Vernon. Initially, Biggie's style donned Army jackets with Timbalands, but when he saw this kid's style he immediately changed his look, yet brought it to the next level.

Nobody is the 80's or 90's knew about Coogi, unless you were Bill Cosby or from Australia, trust this brand does not run cheap. Biggie's influence on the brand brought exposure to it from the media and the hood. From then on, Biggie repped Coogi saying, "I STAY COOGI DOWN TO THE SOCKS."

Check out his video for "Big Poppa" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQ27AM3RTv8

Now with the brand C00GI being more well known, it STILL IS NOT AFFORDABLE to the everyday person. Sweaters that Biggie wears are $400! Too much money in my opinion for a sweater that looks like it was designed by a 5 year old or maybe the wardrobe of a grandpa! Just because it was made famous by Bill Cosby and Biggie, does not justify anyone wearing this sweater in the confines of their own home. The price tag on this item does not make this sweater more attractive, it actually makes it more ridiculous to know anyone would pay that much for a hideous sweater. At least it looks really warm...

On the other hand, I would totally rock the women's sweater dresses! They are fitted, and the design actually has a tribal feel to the whole look! They are low-key pretty cute!!!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
