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~Mosaic Monday: World Travelista~

Happy Monday!
As it is a holiday here (woo hoo) the hubby has today off as well, so I'll make this quick so we can go take the pups to the dog park and make some seafood pasta:-)

BUSY weekend, more on this tomorrow!
How was yours???

Lately I am in this mode to finish what I've started
I'm not sure if it's a Spring Cleaning mode coming on? 
But I am all about clearing my mental to do lists to open up space to think clearly.

Anyone else feel like this?

One thing that I've been meaning to do is edit our travels pics from our last vaca
(ummmm last May! Lol)
And share them with you all.
I got through Rome and day 4 . . . only 11 more to go! Hee heee
Chk out posts:
I need to do this before we head off again in June . . .

So with that said, this Mosaic Monday is for all of you travelistas out there . . .

So I will be doing my best to post pics, and bring back my
"destination thursdays"
in order to share them with you all!

Where was the destination of the last trip you took??