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~Some exciting changes~

"They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom."
Some changes are going on over here, which is exciting!
All good:-)
Some of you already know that I started another blog:
Which is strickly going to be

wedding and event eye candy.
Feel free to follow both (hee hee!).
Soooo people don't get confused, I am for sure keeping this blog, but re-naming it.
Now I'm not for sure set on the name, but I want this to be my main blog, documenting our live, my loves, obsessions, happy things, etc. I still have my shop Memory Bean Designs, and will still talk about it now and again, but I want this blog to not be a business blog, and just be ME!
Sooo hope this isn't confusing for ya'll, I'm a Gemini so
A) I can't make up my mind
B) I love me some change.
So right now I am calling this lil blog of mine
"Life and Styles of Tamara Nicole"
(new banner soon!)
BUT who knows I may find a better name.
Bear with me during this re-vamping stage, trying to figure out
who I want to be in this blog world.
I'ma be ME and I'm crazy and I know you guys love me for it!

Any suggestions on a blog name?