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~Seven Facts Award~

♥ Seven Facts Award ♥

Thank you to the Super sweet and adorable Katie from Love is Everywhere.  One of my newer blog friends, go chk out her blog . . . it is full of sincere love:-) Do it!

There has to be *Rules* - but it's no fun if we don't break them.

1. Link the person who awarded you!
Katie, check!

2. Post seven random facts about yourself.


I never had a dog growing up, and never was a fan until I met my hubby.  He had Toby and 3 month old Capri . . . 2 westies . . . and I fell head over heels in love with allll dogs.  Everywhere I go I am always oogling over every single dog . . . I do not discriminate  they are allll cute! That's why I can not go into a dog shelter or anything, I'd end up adopting every single dog there! :-)


I work a full job Tues-Fri.  So therefore Mondays are my day: for my craft business, blogging, coffee dates with friends, etc.  Soooo it's kinda funny b/c when my hubby has it off as well I kinda feel gyped.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE my time with him, but I like MY day tooo lol.  Is that bad?!
This one's sad:-( I JUST got a speeding ticket last Thurs driving back to work from a massage.  Yup it was right in front of a school zone too, SWEET! Lol I haven't been pulled over in over 4-5 years . . . I didn't even know where to look for my registration and insurance in my hubby's car (we take turns to save miles on my Mini).  When I was looking for it I was shakign and crying, how sad! AND the mean man still gave me a ticket, BUT knocked down the cost, but still!

On a better note: this year we are taking TWO European Vacas! We're trying to get as much world traveling as possible in before we have babies . . . how excited am I?! VERY!
England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Norway, Italy, Gibraltar, etc. Bring. It. On!

I'm funny with my shows: We LOVE The Bachelor, Million Dollar Listing, All the Housewives Shows (except NY!), Millionaire Matchmaker . . . pretty much just love Bravo! Heee heee
Lately I have been loving Documentaries.  Yes slightly nerdy, BUt they are so interesting and educational.  Ok and nerdy but I don't care, I'm proud!

We are health nuts! Kinda goofy.  We take our vitamins religiously, along with turmeric, fish oil, extra vitamin D . . . we also drink pure aloe vera juice (not so tasty but soooo many health benefits) . . . we drink green tea everyday.  Crazy! Our diet consists mostly of veggies and lowfat meats and fish, as well as organic and free range food, etc.  Yup we're silly, BUT I want my hubby to live a long healthy life, so why not right?!

3. Pass this award along to 15 other bloggers!
Now, my turn to pass on the award.

In no particular order of course cause ya'll are fab and you know it!


With that I leave you to enjoying a FABULOUS weekend my dears!

What are your plans?!

*Just met a friend for coffee*
*Went and got a mystic tan . . . what i'm pale! Lol*
*Went and got ingredients for a surprise V-day weekend dinner for the hubby, the main dish takes 3 days, what?! He better love it!*
*Help the in-laws rennovate house*
*Valentine's WEEK begins, we are doing a lot this year, yayyyy!*
*Shopping (it's about time!)*
*Dog Park*

Hmmm and whatever else we want to do, no definite plans which is nice:-)