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~Pretty Cool Love Fest Over Here!~

Happy Valentine's Day!

Loads of love all over blog land today . . .
I hope you are feeling loved today too!

Gonna make this quick:
Our Valentine's celebration tonight=

Ice cream (mmm mud pie via Cold Stone)
Roses (dozen long stem, awww!)
Board Games

I loooove my man!

My love fest 2011:
~I Scrapped~

~I Swapped!~
My very first Blog Swap was a big success!

Stay tuned for a combined Spring swap
(co-host MJ- she's pretty awesome I must say!)
 Anywho the gifts I sent:

 The gifts I got (yayyyy! I love getting gifts in the mail hee heee)
From Bethany:
Scrapping goodies!

From Lacey

 She stitched her card, and embroidered my name on the cute make up bag! Skillz :-)

 ~My cake for the hubby~
 ~A scarf from the lovely Mary Jo from Trust Your Style~
. . . she's sooo sweet!
A super big surprise in the mail:-)
Awww I can feel the blog love!

Best wishes for your new clothing line for fashion week!!!
~Extra love for the pups~
 ~Date night out on the town~

Now off to play some board games with my hubby, celebrating our FOURTH Valentine's together . . . 3rd being married. 

So blessed.

Love ya'll!!!

Pssst now it's your turn to share your lovin' . . . what are you up to, or what surprises came your way this Valentine's?