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~Weekend fun~

Our weekend was seriously based around home improvement and FOOOOOOOD!
We are still helping the In-laws: this weekend we tiled the bathroom and painted some more.

Since we've been helping them, we have the remodeling bug!!!
So next up: my bathroom!
We got Travertine tiles, and my inspiration:

Cream clean colors with a little rustic feel . . . maybe a stone wall?!

Any who . . . our food weekend:
I made some yummy seafood pasta . . . with the pasta sauce made from scratch, yummmm!
Throw in some calamari, scallops and shrimp: amazing!

Even Lu Lu loved it.  Ok no we don't let our dogs sit at the table . . . just last night!
It was hilarious, they all sat in their chairs.  What?! They do it in France, and we don't have kids yet so it's funny!
 Then I made my ALL time favorite cookies, Samoas (yes the girl scout cookies!)
Found this recipe over at "It's Simple Love"

Baking night with 2 of my girlies:

Pho with the hubby:

AND we went to our pub Saturday night for some good English pub grub and a "futbol" game.
I probably gained like 5 lbs lol!

How was your past weekend???
~Tamara Nicole~