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~Business Advice~

 As I am re-vamping and working on business stuff lately . . .
I found this super inspiring quote and wanted to share:

from Women in Business

What great advice right?!

I am always wanting to learn more, and better my business ideas, branding, etc.
Constant work in progress right?!

I know many of you out there are the same way with your businesses, whatever they may be!

A few discoveries for my "other" business:
I love this letterpress business card:

These are my colors:

 Park Ranger Gray
Broadway Pink

And I found a few shops on Etsy (support artists!) who make custom logos:

And more to come!
"Branding" is so much fun, but so much work if you don't spend wads of moolah paying someone else to do it:-)

Anyone have any advice/website recommendations/branding tips to share???

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!!!