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~Mosaic Monday: Tea Party!~

Happy Monday!

How was your weekend?!

Ours was nice and relaxing . . .

Movies cuddled up
Happy Hour at Ruth Chris Steak House (yummm)

More work on the in-laws re-modeling project, almost done!
Finished writing my business plan (lots of work!)
Craft Time
Cleaning House Craze
Hit the gym 2x (woooo hoo!)

Altogether it was a nice, relaxing yet productive weekend.

Now that we are slowly approaching Spring . . .
I am getting the itch to stop hibernating and start planning social events!

One goal I for sure am going to do this year is plan a

~Tea Party!~

Although not exactly Mad Hatter style, I will have mis-matching cute china, we'll all dress up and have a jolly ole time!

Pssst come back next time for a lovely giveaway . . .