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~Tunes for your Tuesday . . Keaton Simons Style~

Anyone out there watch Celebrity Rehab???

Ok a small guilty pleasure of ours . . . it has drama . . . and more drama . . .
BUT in the end it really ends up changing lives, and working through the problems to a better place:-)

Anyway this year Eric Roberts was on the show . . .
and that's how we heard this song by his step-son. 
Which I wanted to share with you b/c it's a really good song!

Sounds pretty good, right?!

On a weird similar note (I didn't plan this! Lol)
is to go a month without a single alcoholic beverage.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not by any means a heavy drinker, nor is it a problem.
I do have maybe 1-3 drinks a week, depending on the social plans:-)
So a social drinker.

(via weheartit)

(Last Sat I had 3 in one night, but they were soooo good)
So yup, just a little goal to stick to and cleanse my body of the toxins from alcohol.
I know I'll still be my fun Tammy-like self, even if everyone else is drinking.

(Some think I am intoxicated even when I haven't had any at all, silly me!)

Wish me luck! Lol

Are there any random goals you have?

I wish you all a lovely Tuesday full of fun randomness!
Do something silly and fun today to make others laugh, just do it!