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~Day Zero Challenge . . . Part deux~

Why hello my fabulous blog readers!!!
I can't believe we're already getting closer to the weekend:-)
Don't you love it when work weeks fly by?!

As some of you know, I have embarked on a new challenge which I am extremely excited about!
It's called the
"Day Zero Challenge" . . . 101 goals in 1001 days

I have my first 20 goals posted in this post

~Here are my next 20~

21) Hike Mt. Ranier

22 )Take skiiing lessons with hubby

23) Learn French

24) Drink 8 glasses of water each day for a whole month 

25) Buy someone flowers for no other reason than just because!

26) Watch the Northern Lights dance through the sky

27) Travel to Normandy, France

28) Scrapbook my wedding album (finally!)

29) Donate blood

30) Road trip to California

31) Find an amazing homemade spaghetti sauce recipe and tweak it to perfection in my own way, and make more than once.

32) Invest $300 a month with my hubby

33) Make a list of 100 things that make me unique

34) Have our annual Christmas letter out on Dec. 1st

35) Enjoy a fancy picnic in the park

36) Attend at least 5 concerts

37) Learn how to swim
(ha ha shhhhh my lil secret: I am a doggy paddler! Shhhh don't tell!)

38) Visit 3 museums

39) Do the 200 squats challenge

40) Make a Life Dreams and Inspirations Poster

I highly recommend you joining in on the fun adventurous life with me!
If you are interested, go HERE and start your list!
Dooooo it.
Let me know and we can help encourage and follow each other's progress:-)

I will be posting about my goals getting crossed off my list with lots of pics to share, you already know!

Maybe too much for your life right now? 
That's ok . . . just start with a few things and go from there:-)

What are a couple of "to do's" that would be on your list????

Tunes for your Tuesday . . . Jack Johnson style

One of my favorite songs by Jack Johnson, so sweet!
So I know it's just the lyrics and not an actual video, but it's so cute I had to share:-)

Angel by Jack Johnson

For our wedding, my hubby made a cd of our fave love songs, and this was one of them . . . still makes me smile when I hear it!

So as most of my fabulous readers know,
we had our 2 year anniversary last week.
Last week I was asking you all for your relationship advice to share with all of us . . .
 just curious to see what people say on how to "keep the fire" for years and years. 
Although marriage is easy when you have a great "mate", I know it can take work at times.
Giving in
Saying Sorry
I wanted to share the fabulous thoughts that some of my readers shared,
please add your own lovey-dovey advice.

~Diana~ said: "We usually try to take a trip....and make it very special:)"

~Nikosmommy~ "Marriage isn't totally hard (in my opinion) but it does take extra effort during the tough times (when life gets tricky) and of course it's challenging after you have kids!! They (kids) can take over your world and you can forget who you are as part of a couple."

~Lila~ "Last anniversary my husband was working in Vegas. He flew me out there and had a box of chocolates on the hotel bed. Then he surprised me with an awesome dinner and took me to The Phantom of the Opera. It was romantic and lovely!"

~Aislinn~ "The key is to listen to each other and sometimes taking a walk in the middle of a fight cools everybody down. Also doing something small just because, is great!"

~Debby~ "My best advice... compromise and agree to disagree and laugh as much as you can!"

~Heather~ "Love and laughter and respect and appreciation seem to be some key ingredients."

~It's Simple Love~ "keep no secrets from each other! And be selfless"

~Marie~ "Communication and being the best of friends"

~Miss Caitlin S~ "we usually just cook together over wine with more kisses than usual"

~What great ideas and thoughts . . .Thank you all!!!~

I'll leave you with some thoughtful quotes about marriage . . .
"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." ~Rita Rudner
(hee hee)

"Chains do not hold a marriage together.  It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years."  ~Simone Signoret

"Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate."  ~Barnett R. Brickner

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."  ~Mignon McLaughlin

"Don't smother each other.  No one can grow in shade."  ~Leo Buscaglia

Any more advice you'd like to share?
What makes your relationship work?
Happy Happy Tuesday . . . enjoy!

~Mosaic Monday and What I've been up to~

The theme of my next three weeks until the big show . . .
~Create beauty~

Any of you working on any creative projects?!
I know a ton of my fellow bloggers are super creative and crafty, do share!

Now onto a ridiculous amount of pictures
from the last little while of our lives:

~Baby Henry~
(my new little nephew is stinkin cute, can't get enough!!!)

~Hair did~
(With my girl Tessany at her salon Chocolates Cherries and Blondes)

~Victoria for our 2 year anniversary~
Rainy but still a blast! Waiting for the ferry . . .
Our haunted mansion "The Great Gatsby"
I love little B&B's!
Went to the B.C. Museum:

Went to High Tea at the Empress:
Mmmm tasty!

A lot of kissing took place:

Enjoyed some yummy cidar at a pub, then got ready for our dinner:

Mmmmm lobster tail and steak, the food was amazing!

~Antique fun: post soon!~
We have finished a little "antique" project, stay tuned for pics!
Maybe a little DIY post woo hoo
~Happy hours and constantly eating~
Non-stop let me tell ya! Between our happy hours, football games, etc we have been eating and eating.  Thank goodness for the gym otherwise I'd be huge!
Mmmmm our cheap but yummy sushi spot!

And my fave new boots:

~Happy Birthday Mama!~
Today is my mama's b-day! Love you mom!!!
Yesterday we went out to Ellensburg with the fam to celebrate:
My sis holding Baby Henry:
My little niece's first swing and slide experience:

Bro in law and his baby playing around:

Phew now I am caught up!!!
The rest of my day:
Posting up about 60 new items in my Etsy shop!
Dinner: Maybe some fish tacos???
Shipping recent sales

And with all of that I bid you farewell and enjoy your day to the fullest!!!
P.S. What did you do this weekend???

Wooo hoo it's the Weekend!!!

We're back from Victoria, BC!

What a lovely time we had, pictures to come soon.

(oooh and thank you ALL for the anniversary wishes,
seriously I'm feeling the blog love!!!)

Part of our adventure included . . .

~High Tea~
At the Empress . . .
quite nice, and also quite expensive

But alas . . . I am glad we partook of the "nicer things",
I think everyone should once in a while!

It's ok to splurge occasionally, aye?!

So for this weekend:

Do something nice.

Enjoy life

Treat yourself to something out of the ordinary

Live it up!


“Live and work but do not forget to play, to have fun in life and really enjoy it.”

~Eileen Caddy

~How will you treat yourself this weekend?~

Do share your plans!