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~European Vaca . . . Day #7: Florence!~

I have to get this posted before our next trip in like 5 weeks! He he
If you missed them, Days: 1,2,3,4,5,6

Now on to Firenze (Florence) Italy . . .
known for it amazing art as well as food

Florence is the "birthplace of the Renaissance"
And the birthplace of many famous artists such as:
 "Dante, Boccaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Niccolò Machiavelli, Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, Donatello, Galileo Galilei, Catherine de' Medici, Luigi Cherubini, Antonio Meucci, Guccio Gucci, Franco Zeffirelli, Salvatore Ferragamo, Roberto Cavalli, Leonardo Bruni, Coluccio Salutati, and Emilio Pucci."

Main stops:
Pitti Palace and Ufiizi Gallery

Here's a few pics from our Florence experience:
I am a big fan of the architecture and statues . . . oh and doors!

If you look closely you can see old paintings on the walls!


The ever famous statue of David

Ponte Vecchio: the famous bridge in Florence where merchants sell expensive jewelry, but you can bargain!

 Ok this is hands down my favorite part of Florence: the food! We stopped at this little place and had one of the best food experiences we had on this trip . . .

I had some truffle pasta dish . . . heaven!

Andy's a big lasagna fan

We had suuuch a fun time at this place, we will be back to feast in November!!!

Ok funny thing . . . when we travel and see westies we get all excited and stalk them.  Happens each trip and we take pics.  Guess we just miss our lil boogs so much!


Can't wait to go back in November.
Have any of you been to Florence?